Grunt plugin for extracting angular-translate texts to POT file.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-angular-translate-extract --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named angular_translate_extract
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
angular_translate_extract: {
default_options: {
files: {
'all_texts.pot': ['**/*.js', '**/*.html']
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Example: extractSourceFiles: false
Decide wether the source files containing the text should be extracted or not.
Output example with source files:
#: test/fixtures/example.html:8
msgid "Filter custom interpolation"
msgstr ""
Output example without source files:
msgid "Filter custom interpolation"
msgstr ""
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Example: extractSourceFilesLine: true
Decide wether the source files containing the text should be extracted or not.
Output example with source files:
#: test/fixtures/example.html:8
msgid "Filter custom interpolation"
msgstr ""
Output example without source files lines:
#: test/fixtures/example.html
msgid "Filter custom interpolation"
msgstr ""
Type: Object
Default value: { startDelimiter: '{{', endDelimiter: '}}' }
Example: { startDelimiter: '[[', endDelimiter: ']]' }
Use these interpolation delimiters instead of {{
and }}
. Should match the used interpolation delimiters in your angular application.
Type: Array<String>
Default value: []
Example: customRegex: ['\\$translate\\s*:\\s*\'((?:\\\\.|[^\'\\\\])*)\'']
An array containing custom regular expressions. Texts matching these expressions are extracted in addition to the usual extracted texts.
In this example, the default options are used to extract texts to a pot file. All texts in *.js and *.html files are extracted to the file 'all_texts.pot'
angular_translate_extract: {
default_options: {
files: {
'all_texts.pot': ['**/*.js', '**/*.html']
In this example, custom interpolation delimiters are used. So, from a file containing [[ 'text' | translate ]]
, "text" will be extracted.
angular_translate_extract: {
default_options: {
interpolation: {
startDelimiter: '[[',
endDelimiter: ']]'
files: {
'custom_interpolation_texts.pot': ['**/*.js', '**/*.html']
In this example, a custom regular expression is given. So, from a file containing $translate: 'text'
, "text" will be extracted.
angular_translate_extract: {
default_options: {
customRegex: ['\\$translate\\s*:\\s*\'((?:\\\\.|[^\'\\\\])*)\''],
files: {
'custom_regex_texts.pot': ['**/*.js', '**/*.html']
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
New option 'extractSourceFilesLine'. Thanks to @TLmaK0 for contributing.
Grunt 1.x support.
New option 'extractSourceFiles'.
Breaking change: Source files are extracted to output pot file now. If you don't want that, you have to add extractSourceFiles: false
to your options.
POT file contains all code references of a text, not only the first one.
POT file header added to output file.
Creating POT file containing texts used in source code with angular-translate.
First experimental version.