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Android RxJava library for Social auth (Google, Facebook) and Smart Lock For Passwords


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Android RxJava library for Social auth (Google, Facebook) and Smart Lock For Passwords



To use this library your minSdkVersion must be >= 15.

In your project level build.gradle :

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

In your app level build.gradle :

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.pchmn:RxSocialAuth:1.0.0-beta'


Getting started

In order to use this library with Google Sign-In and Facebook Login, you need to prepare your project.

Google Sign-In

Follow the official guide :

In short :

  • Put your google-services.json into the /app directory of your project
  • Add the dependency classpath '' to your project-level build.gradle
  • Add the plugin apply plugin: '' at the end of your app-level build.gradle
  • Add the dependency compile '' to your app-level build.gradle

Facebook Login

  • Create an app ID on the facebook developer website : and activate Facebook Login on the console administration.
  • Add your facebook app ID in the strings.xml (or keys.xml) of your project like this :
<string name="facebook_app_id">you_app_id</string>
  • Modify your Manifest.xml like this :
<application android:label="@string/app_name" ...>
            android:value="@string/facebook_app_id" />
  • You don't have to add the facebook SDK in your project, it is already included in this library

If you have trouble when trying to authenticate users, maybe you have to add the users you're trying to authenticate in your test users. See

Shared classes


This class represents a social account and has these methods :

  • String getProvider()
  • String getId()
  • String getAccessToken()
  • String getEmail()
  • String getFirstname()
  • String getLastname()
  • String getDisplayName()
  • Uri getPhotoUri()

These methods can return a null object according to the permissions you asked or didn't ask when signed in.


This class represents the status of a request and has these methods :

  • int getStatusCode()
  • String getMessage()
  • boolean isSuccess()
  • boolean isCanceled()

Google Sign-In

Create a RxGoogleAuth object using the RxGoogleAuth.Builder builder.

// build RxGoogleAuth object
// 'this' represents a Context
RxGoogleAuth rxGoogleAuth = new RxGoogleAuth.Builder(this)

You can configure the builder with these methods :

  • requestEmail() : Request the email
  • requestProfile() : Request the profile (mandatory to get the profile picture)
  • requestIdToken(String clientId) : Request an id token for authenticated users (mandatory to get the profile picture)
  • disableAutoSignIn() : Clear the account previously selected by the user, so the user will have to pick an account
  • enableSmartLock(boolean enable) : Enable or disable Smart Lock For Passwords. If enabled, it will save automatically the credential in Smart Lock For Passwords

Sign in and silent sign in

With signIn() and silentSignIn(Credential credential) methods, the observer receive a RxAccount object in case of success.

I think I found a bug in the Google Sign-In API with the silentSignIn() method. If the user you try to silent sign in doesn't have a Google+ account, no matter if you set the requestProfile() options, you won't have his profile.

// sign in
        .subscribe(rxAccount -> {
            // user is signed in
            // use the rxAccount object as you want
            Log.d(TAG, "name: " + rxAccount.getDisplayName());
            Log.d(TAG, "email: " + rxAccount.getEmail());
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());

// silent sign in
// you have to pass a credential object in order to silent sign in
rxGoogleAuth.silentSignIn(Credential credential)
        .subscribe(rxAccount -> {
            // user is signed in
            // use the rxAccount object as you want
            Log.d(TAG, "name: " + rxAccount.getDisplayName());
            Log.d(TAG, "email: " + rxAccount.getEmail());
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());

Sign out and revoke access

With signOut() and revokeAccess() methods, the observer receive a RxStatus object in case of success.

// sign out
        .subscribe(rxStatus -> {
            if(rxStatus.isSuccess()) {
                // user is signed out
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());
// revoke access
        .subscribe(rxStatus -> {
            if(rxStatus.isSuccess()) {
                // access is revoked
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());

Facebook Login

Create a RxFacebookAuth object using the RxFacebookAuth.Builder builder.

// build RxFacebookAuth object
// 'this' represents a Context
RxFacebookAuth rxFacebookAuth = new RxFacebookAuth.Builder(this)
        .requestPhotoSize(200, 200)

You can configure the builder with these methods :

  • requestEmail() : Request the email
  • requestProfile() : Request the profile (mandatory to get the profile picture)
  • requestPhotoSize(int width, int height) : Request a specific photo size, cause request profile
  • enableSmartLock(boolean enable) : Enable or disable Smart Lock For Passwords. If enabled, it will save automatically the credential in Smart Lock For Passwords

Sign in

Like with Google Sign-In, the signIn() method will return an observable. And the observer will receive a RxAccount object in case of success.

// sign in
        .subscribe(rxAccount -> {
            // user is signed in
            // use the rxAccount object as you want
            Log.d(TAG, "name: " + rxAccount.getDisplayName());
            Log.d(TAG, "email: " + rxAccount.getEmail());
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());

Sign out

With signOut() method, the observer receive a RxStatus object in case of success.

// sign out
        .subscribe(rxStatus -> {
            if(rxStatus.isSuccess()) {
                // user is signed out
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());


This class permits to access and sign out the current account without knowing if it is a Google account or a Facebook account. For example it is useful when you want to sign out the current user but you don't know if he/she is connected with a Google or a Facebook account.

This class use the singleton pattern.

Sign out

This method will signed out the current user from the app, and from the current provider. It will also disable auto sign in for Smart Lock for Passwords and for the current provider. So the user will be able to pick an other account when using the authentication method again.

// sign out
// 'this' represents a context
        .subscribe(rxStatus -> {
            if(rxStatus.isSuccess()) {
                // user is signed out
            }, throwable -> {
                    Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());

Get current user

This method return a RxAccount object representing the current user in the app. If the user is signed out, the RxAccount object will be null.

// current user
// 'this' represents a context
RxAccount currentUser = RxSocialAuth.getInstance(this).getCurrentUser();

Smart Lock For Passwords

Create a RxSmartLockPassword object using the RxSmartLockPassword.Builder builder.

// build RxSmartLockPassword object
// 'this' represents a Context
RxSmartLockPassword rxSmartLockPassword = new RxSmartLockPassword.Builder(this)
        .setAccountTypes(IdentityProviders.GOOGLE, IdentityProviders.FACEBOOK)

You can configure the builder with these methods :

  • setAccountTypes(String... accountTypes) : Sets the account types (identity providers)
  • setPasswordLoginSupported(boolean supported) : Enables returning credentials with a password, that is verified by the application
  • disableAutoSignIn() : Disable auto sign

Retrieve a user's stored credentials

Automatically sign users into your app by using the Credentials API to request and retrieve stored credentials for your users.

If you want to retrieve a Facebook account credential, for example, you have to call .setAccountTypes(IdentityProviders.FACEBOOK) on the builder of your RxSmartLockPassword object before.

Request credential

To retrieve user's stored credentials, use the requestCredential() method on a RxSmartLockPassword object. This method will emit a Observable<CredentialRequestResult>.

// request credential
        .subscribe(credentialRequestResult -> {
            if (credentialRequestResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
            else {
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());
Request credential and auto sign in

To retrieve user's stored credentials and automatically sign in the user with found credentials, use the requestCredentialAndAutoSignIn() method. It will emit a Observable<Object>.

With this method you don't have to handle different cases. No matter if there is no stored credential, if there is only one stored credential, or if there are multiple stored credentials, the requestCredentialAndAutoSignIn() method will do all the work.

  • If there is only one stored credential, or if the user picks one of the multiple stored credentials, this method will catch it :

    • If the account type is Google or Facebook, the user will be automatically sign in according to the provider, and the observer will receive a RxAccount object in case of success. If it fails a Throwable will be emitted.
    • If the account type is null, this is a LoginPassword credential. In this case, the observer will receive a Credential object, containing the id and the password, and you'll have to authenticate the user manually with the credential.
  • If the user cancels or if there is no stored credential, a Throwable will be emitted.

// request credential and auto sign in
        .subscribe(o -> {
            if(o instanceof RxAccount) {
                // user is signed in using google or facebook
                RxAccount rxAccount = (RxAccount) o;
                Log.d(TAG, "provider: " + rxAccount.getProvider());
                Log.d(TAG, "email: " + rxAccount.getEmail());
             else if(o instanceof Credential) {
                // credential contains login and password
                Credential credential = (Credential) o;
                // sign in manually
                signInWithLoginPassword(credential.getId(), credential.getPassword());

        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());
private void signInWithLoginPassword(String login, String password) {
    // authenticate the user like you want

Store a user's credentials

After users successfully sign in, create accounts, or change passwords, allow them to store their credentials to automate future authentication in your app.

To store a user's credentials, use the saveCredential(Credential credential) method on a RxSmartLockPassword object. In case of success the observer will receive a RxStatus object.

If you used RxGoogleAuth or RxFacebookAuth with the enableSmartLock(true) option, the credential is stored automatically, and you don't have to use this method.

// save credential
rxSmartLockPassword.saveCredential(Credential credential)
        .subscribe(rxStatus -> {
            if(rxStatus.isSuccess()) {
                // credential saved
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());

Delete stored credentials

To delete a stored credential, use the deleteCredential(Credential credential) method on a RxSmartLockPassword object. In case of success the observer will receive a RxStatus object.

// delete credential
rxSmartLockPassword.deleteCredential(Credential credential)
        .subscribe(rxStatus -> {
            if(rxStatus.isSuccess()) {
                // credential deleted
        }, throwable -> {
            Log.e(TAG, throwable.getMessage());


A sample app with some use cases of the library is available on this link


This library is currently in beta


This library was greatly inspired by SocialLoginManager


Copyright 2017 pchmn

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Android RxJava library for Social auth (Google, Facebook) and Smart Lock For Passwords








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