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v3.0.0 (2023-09-27)

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@ZLLentz ZLLentz released this 27 Sep 23:13
· 102 commits to master since this release

API Breaks

  • The deprecated TyphosConsole has been removed as discussed in issue #538.
  • TyphosDeviceDisplay composite heuristics have been removed in favor of
    simpler methods, described in the features section.
  • The packaged IOC for benchmark testing is now in typhos.benchmark.ioc.


  • Added typhos --screenshot filename_pattern to take screenshots of typhos
    displays prior to exiting early (in combination with --exit-after).

  • Added TyphosSuite.save_screenshot which takes a screenshot of the entire
    suite as-displayed.

  • Added TyphosSuite.save_device_screenshots which takes individual
    screenshots of each device display in the suite and saves them to the
    provided formatted filename.

  • LazySubdisplay.get_subdisplay now provides the option to only get
    existing widgets (by using the argument instantiate=False).

  • TyphosNoteEdit now supports .add_device() like other typhos widgets.
    This is alongside its original setup_data API.

  • TyphosNoteEdit is now a TyphosBase object and is accessible in the Qt

  • Added new designable widget TyphosPositionerRowWidget. This compact
    positioner widget makes dense motor-heavy screens much more space efficient.

  • The layout method for TyphosDeviceDisplay has changed. For large device trees,
    it now favors showing the compact "embedded" screens over detailed screens. The order
    of priority is now as follows:

  • For top-level devices (e.g., at2l0), the template load priority is as follows:

    • Happi-defined values ("detailed_screen", embedded_screen", "engineering_screen")
    • Device-specific screens, if available (named as ClassNameHere.detailed.ui)
    • The detailed tree, if the device has sub-devices
    • The default templates
  • For nested displays in a device tree, sub-device (e.g., at2l0.blade_01)
    template load priority is as follows:

    • Device-specific screens, if available (named as ClassNameHere.embedded.ui)
    • The detailed tree, if the device has sub-devices
    • The default templates (embedded_screen.ui)
  • Increase motor timeouts proportionally for longer moves.

  • Added dynamic font sizer utility which can work with some Qt-provided widgets
    as well as PyDM widgets.

  • Qt object names for displays will now be set automatically to aid in


  • Fix an issue where setpoint widgets in the full positioner
    widget had become zero-width.
  • Creates new notes file if requested note file does not exist
  • Typhos suites will now resize in width to fit device displays.
  • For devices which do not require keyword arguments to instantiate, the typhos
    CLI will no longer require an empty dictionary. That is, $ typhos ophyd.sim.SynAxis[] is equivalent to $ typhos ophyd.sim.SynAxis[{}].
    As before, ophyd's required "name" keyword argument is filled in by typhos by
  • Fix an issue where ophyd signals with floats would always display with a
    precision of 0 without special manual configuration. Floating-point signals
    now default to a precision of 3.
  • Fix issues with running the CLI benchmarks in certain
    conda installs, particularly python>=3.10.
  • ophyd.Kind usage has been fixed for Python 3.11. Python 3.11 differs in
    enumeration of IntFlag items, resulting in typhos only picking up
    component kinds that were a power of 2.
  • multiprocessing is no longer used to spawn the test suite benchmarking
    IOC, as it was problematic for Python 3.11. The provided IOC is now spawned
    using the same utilities provided by the caproto test suite.
  • Vendored pydm load_ui_file and modified it so we can always get our
    Display instance back in TyphosDeviceDisplay.
  • Ignore deleted qt objects on SignalConnection.remove_connection, avoiding
    teardown error tracebacks.
  • Avoid creating subdisplays during a call to TyphosSuite.hide_subdisplays
  • Added a pytest hook helper to aid in finding widgets that were not cleaned
  • Avoid failing screenshot taking when widgets are garbage collected at the
    same time.
  • Avoid race condition in description cache if the cache is externally cleared
    when a new description callback is received.
  • Avoid uncaught TypeError when None is present in a positioner


  • adds TyphosDisplaySwitcher to TyphosPositionerRowWidget
  • adds checklist to Pull Request Template
  • Add pre-release notes scripts
  • Update build requirements to use pip-provided extras for documentation and test builds
  • Update PyDM pin to >=1.19.1 due to Display method being used.
  • Avoid hundreds of warnings during line profiling profiling by intercepting
    messages about profiling the wrapped function instead of the wrapper.
  • The setpoint history menu on TyphosLineEdit is now only created on-demand.
