Project used to explain my view on a django project architecture, explained on my series of posts
Versions on Poetry.
- Python Programming languange
- django-environ Manage .envs in Django
- Poetry Python packaging and dependency management
- poetry.lock
- pyproject.toml
- Django Web framework written in Python
- Docker Manage containers for dev environment
- compose.yaml
- compose/dev/Dockerfile
- compose/dev/start
- .env
- Just encapsulate commands for easier use
- justfile
- psycopg Python adapter for Postgres
- AlpineJS JavaScript Framework based on Vue
- TailwindCSS CSS Framework
- HTMX htmx give access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly from HTML
- django-extensions Add manage commands to the django and more
- django-browser-reload Auto reload the browser when change a template
- ruff Linter and code formater
- Pytest Tools for testing.
- Pytest-django Pytest Plugin for Django
- Marimo Notebook for test, prototype, inspections, etc.
- local/ - Template for a new notebook.
- Install Just, Docker and Poetry(opcional).
- Copie .env.example to .env, no need for edtion.
$ just build
- Certified that docker is up and running
$ just runserver
You can access the Django app on and Marimo notebook on