Modern systems are increasingly coupled together and interdependent. For example, train and metro networks are interdependent networks in destination planning problems.
Following the approach presented in (Sergey V Buldyrev et al. 2010a), we simulate a cascade of failures on synthetic random Erdos–Renyi IN, Scale-free IN, and a real world IN : the Paris Multilayer Transport Network (Asgari et al. 2016).
Follow these instructions to set up a local repo and the environment.
Eleonora Pura, 17-732-678 Hyeongkyun Kim 21-732-797 Pietro Bonazzi 17-200-635 Songyi Han 18-796-847
📃 Paper on Github
📝 Presentation on Github
title={Catastrophic cascade of failures in interdependent networks},
author={Bonazzi, Han, Kim and Pura},
To get the Paris dataset run :
git clone
For other network datasets click here .