Push a url from the address bar or a link (right-click) to JDownloader2's Linkgrabber.
This addons uses the remote control API (externInterface: Flashgot) from JDownloader2.
Was made mainly for use with docker-jdownloader-2
- Install JDownloader2.
- Go into Settings, Then Into advanced and search "RemoteAPI".
- Change the value of "Authorized Websites" to match the url/ip of your server must look like: ["address"]
- Uncheck "will listen on localhost only"
- Install the Add-on
- After install go to the addon and set your server address in the options. Referer should match the server address
- Highlight a link if not clickable and right click, or right click on link and then click "Send to JD2"
- A "pageAction" (A clickable icon in the address bar).
- Original Source UrlToJD2
- Xnoe Option Menu Source
- Icon: clipartmax
This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0