That's French for that does it all
A project skeleton for Rails apps using AngularJS and hosted on cloud environments similar to Heroku.
I tried to adopt most of the best practices I know from other web stacks. Please don't kill me if they don't match yours. I'm pretty new to Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
Here is a list of all the awesome things that are set up and ready:
- Management of configuration variables through environment variables: use
and ```database.yml`` in dev and testing and ENV variables in production. - Bower integration with Rails: Manage front-end dependencies with Bower but still integrate them in the Rails Asset Pipeline (Sass, Coffeescript, minification, etc...)
- Testing: RSpec integrated with Rails integrated with Guard (they re-run everytime a file changes). Controller tests, integration tests using Capybara and a headless webkit browser (executes Javascript, yeah!).