Releases: payintech/smoney-java-client
Releases · payintech/smoney-java-client
Release 16.10
- Added missing field Amount on BankTransferEntity
Release 16.09
- Fixed method to process multiple money tranfers at time
- Updated Maven dependencies:
- maven-compiler-plugin (org.apache.maven.plugins): 3.3 to 3.5.1
- maven-javadoc-plugin (org.apache.maven.plugins): 2.10.3 to 2.10.4
- maven-source-plugin (org.apache.maven.plugins): 2.4 to 3.0.1
- Updated project dependencies:
- retrofit (com.squareup.retrofit): removed
- converter-gson (com.squareup.retrofit): removed
- okhttp (com.squareup.okhttp): removed
- retrofit (com.squareup.retrofit2): 2.1.0
- converter-gson (com.squareup.retrofit2): 2.1.0
- joda-time (joda-time): 2.9.2 to 2.9.4
Release 16.07
- Added Name variable on BankAccountEntity
- Fixed card payment status
Release 16.04
- Fixed multi-payments
Release 16.02
- Added serialization hability on each Entity
- Added NetworkEnum
- Added new entity variables:
- OrderId on BankTransferEntity
- ExpiryDate on CardEntity
- Added new entity methods:
- CardEntity
- DateTime getExpiryDate(final String timeZone)
- DateTime getExpiryDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- boolean isExpired()
- BankTransferEntity
- DateTime getPaymentDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- CardPaymentEntity
- DateTime getPaymentDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- CardPaymentRefundAnswerEntity
- DateTime getPaymentDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- HistoryItemEntity
- DateTime getOperationDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- KycEntity
- DateTime getRequestDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- MoneyOutEntity
- DateTime getOperationDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- PaymentEntity
- DateTime getPaymentDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- PaymentScheduleEntity
- DateTime getDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- ProfileEntity
- DateTime getBirthdate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- StoredCardPaymentEntity
- DateTime getOperationDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- SubAccountEntity
- DateTime getCreationDate(final TimeZone timeZone)
- CardEntity
- Fixed compilation on Java 7
- Updated dependencies:
- joda-time (joda-time): 2.9.1 to 2.9.2
- okhttp (com.squareup.okhttp): 2.7.1 to 2.7.2
Release 16.01 Update 1
- Added Android compatibility (Android 2.3 and superior)
- Added ability to choose the page to request and the number of items per page on listing methods
- Added specific User-Agent header: SMoneyJavaClient/YY.MM
- Fixed leak when service is initialized from properties file
- Fixed properties file location overriding with parameter
- Fixed variable names on the class AttachmentEntity
- Updated Java documentation
Release 16.01
- Fixed variable name on the class AttachmentEntity
- Updated dependencies:
- joda-time (joda-time): 2.9 to 2.9.1
- okhttp (com.squareup.okhttp): 2.5.0 to 2.7.1
- okhttp-urlconnection (com.squareup.okhttp): removed
- gson ( removed
- Updated Java documentation
- Updated license information
Release 15.12
This is the first public version
- Added methods to convert datetime values to another timezone
- Added new country codes
- Fixed AmountWithVAT and VAT variables type on the class FeeEntity
- Fixed unit tests now working when executed from console (mvn test)
- Fixed variables name on UserEntity and BankAccountEntity classes
- Updated Java documentation