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Pawan Dubey edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Griffin uses a configuration file in the TOML to define its settings.

Griffin generates some required config data while you create a new site everytime, falling back to sensible defaults.

This is stored as the config.toml file in the root directory for every site. A sample config file looks like this:

#parsing details
source = "content"  #the directory where you'll store your content
output = "output"   #the directory where the generated html will be stored
exclude = []        #the directories you want to exclude from generation. This can be used to store drafts etc.

inputdate = "yyyy MM dd"  #date format in which you'll write the the date in the posts
outputdate = "MMM d yyyy" #date format in which the dates will be availabe as `prettyDate` in the templates.
theme = "hyde"            #name of the theme. Simply change this and re-publish to change the theme.
headerimage = ""          #site-wide header image. Useful for logos etc. 
postsperindex = 5         #number of posts an index page will contain while paginating.

#render files as per tags?
rendertags = false        #whether to render posts by tags or not. This will increase parsing time.

port = 9090               #port on which to preview the site.

#social media details
	disqus = "your disqus shortcode"
	fb = "your facebook profile id"
	twitter = "your twitter handle"
	github = "your github profile id"
	gplus = "your google plus profile id"
	so = "your stackoverflow profile id"

#site details
	name = "Demo Site"
	tagline = "Demo Site"
	author = "Me"
	baseurl = "http://localhost:9090"
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