This is implementation of Jaeger ClickHouse storage plugin. See as well jaegertracing/jaeger/issues/1438 for historical discussion regarding Clickhouse plugin.
Refer to the config.yaml for all supported configuration options.
docker run --rm -it -p9000:9000 --name some-clickhouse-server --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 yandex/clickhouse-server:21
GOOS=linux make build run
make run-hotrod
Open localhost:16686 and localhost:8080.
You need to specify connection options in config.yaml file, then you can run
make build
SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=grpc-plugin {Jaeger binary adress} --query.ui-config=jaeger-ui.json --grpc-storage-plugin.binary=./{name of built binary} --grpc-storage-plugin.configuration-file=config.yaml --grpc-storage-plugin.log-level=debug
This project is based on