It's an simple enviorment to run robot that will fetch your app page constantly.
It could be usefult in example of simulating some movements on your app.
docker build -t runner .
docker run -d --name=runner --privileged --init runner:latest
docker exec runner docker build -t robot /srv/dummy_app_stresser
docker exec runner docker run -e ROBOT_OPTIONS="-v page:YOUR_APP_ADDRESS -v lifetime:0 -v latency:0" robot:latest
- lifetime - time in seconds the robot will stand, if 0 it will be infinite
- latency - time in seonds the robot will wait until the next page fetch
It's really easy to run few robots at once. Just execute them in the background.
docker exec runner docker run -d -e ROBOT_OPTIONS="-v page:YOUR_APP_ADDRESS -v lifetime:0 -v latency:0" robot:latest
You can terminate robot job by killing the runner:
docker kill runner
To connect with your localhost instead http://localhost:MY_PORT use