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Delegate for customisation!

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@pavankataria pavankataria released this 19 Jun 22:02
· 76 commits to master since this release

Delegate customisation!

Now all these delegate methods are available for customising your swift data table.
All these methods are optionals and default values will be provided. This is not a breaking change.

These same properties are also available in the DataTableConfiguration class allowing you to provide more defaults without requiring a delegate. The delegate is useful if you want to customise dynamically. I.e. specifying different row heights for different row indexes.

/// An optional delegate for further customisation. Default values will be used retrieved from the SwiftDataTableConfiguration file. This will can be overridden and passed into the SwiftDataTable constructor incase you wish not to use the delegate. 
@objc public protocol SwiftDataTableDelegate: class {
    /// Specify custom heights for specific rows. A row height of 0 is valid and will be used.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    ///   - index: the index of the row to specify a custom height for.
    /// - Returns: the desired height for the given row index
    @objc optional func dataTable(_ dataTable: SwiftDataTable, heightForRowAt index: Int) -> CGFloat

    /// Specify custom widths for columns. This method once implemented overrides the automatic width calculation for remaining columns and therefor widths for all columns must be given. This behaviour may change so that custom widths on a single column basis can be given with the automatic width calculation behaviour applied for the remaining columns.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    ///   - index: the index of the column to specify the width for
    /// - Returns: the desired width for the given column index
    @objc optional func dataTable(_ dataTable: SwiftDataTable, widthForColumnAt index: Int) -> CGFloat
    /// Column Width scaling. If set to true and the column's total width is smaller than the content size then the width of each column will be scaled proprtionately to fill the frame of the table. Otherwise an automatic calculated width size will be used by processing the data within each column.
    /// Defaults to true.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: whether you wish to scale to fill the frame of the table
    @objc optional func shouldContentWidthScaleToFillFrame(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> Bool
    /// Section Header floating. If set to true headers can float and remain in view during scroll. Otherwise if set to false the header will be fixed at the top and scroll off view along with the content.
    /// Defaults to true
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: whether you wish to float section header views.
    @objc optional func shouldSectionHeadersFloat(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> Bool
    /// Section Footer floating. If set to true footers can float and remain in view during scroll. Otherwise if set to false the footer will be fixed at the top and scroll off view along with the content.
    /// Defaults to true.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: whether you wish to float section footer views.
    @objc optional func shouldSectionFootersFloat(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> Bool
    /// Search View floating. If set to true the search view can float and remain in view during scroll. Otherwise if set to false the search view will be fixed at the top and scroll off view along with the content.
    //  Defaults to true.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: whether you wish to float section footer views.
    @objc optional func shouldSearchHeaderFloat(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> Bool
    /// Disable search view. Hide search view. Defaults to true.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: whether or not the search should be hidden
    @objc optional func shouldShowSearchSection(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> Bool
    /// The height of the section footer. Defaults to 44.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: the height of the section footer
    @objc optional func heightForSectionFooter(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> CGFloat
    /// The height of the section header. Defaults to 44.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: the height of the section header
    @objc optional func heightForSectionHeader(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> CGFloat
    /// The height of the search view. Defaults to 44.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: the height of the search view
    @objc optional func heightForSearchView(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> CGFloat
    /// Height of the inter row spacing. Defaults to 1.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: the height of the inter row spacing
    @objc optional func heightOfInterRowSpacing(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> CGFloat
    /// Control the display of the vertical scroll bar. Defaults to true.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: whether or not the vertical scroll bars should be shown.
    @objc optional func shouldShowVerticalScrollBars(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> Bool
    /// Control the display of the horizontal scroll bar. Defaults to true.
    /// - Parameter dataTable: SwiftDataTable
    /// - Returns: whether or not the horizontal scroll bars should be shown.
    @objc optional func shouldShowHorizontalScrollBars(in dataTable: SwiftDataTable) -> Bool