- 对CRoaring进行封装的PHP扩展库,兼容 PHP 7.x & PHP 5.6,在 PHP 7.2.16 以及 PHP 5.6.30下测试通过(CentOS 7.6 64-bit)
- githup上的CRoaring
- 文件夹里包含的roaring.h roaring.hh roaring.c是CRoaring的0.2.60版本,用amalgamation.sh生成的。因此编译本库不依赖其他额外的库。
- Roaring bitmap其中一个用途是非常高效的计算DAU以及留存(两个bitmap做and操作即可)等统计,解决PHP保存所有用户ID的原生数组占用过多内存的问题。
- #cd /your/php-src-dir/ext
- git clone https://github.com/paultan63/php-roaring_bitmap-extension.git roaring_bitmap
- cd roaring_bitmap
- phpize
- ./configure
- make install
- #add extension=roaring_bitmap.so to php.ini
- 下载后将本目录改名roaring_bitmap并放进php的源代码目录,譬如php-7.xxx/ext/roaring_bitmap
- 进入这个目录,并且运行phpize && ./configure && make install
- 修改php.ini,将extension=roaring_bitmap.so加进去
- All method accept 32-bit integer only
- If there is no requirement for 64-bit integers, 32-bit roaring_bitmap should be used for better performance.
$roaring = new roaring_bitmap;
$n = 3;
printf("contains %d: %d\n", $n, $roaring->contains($n));
$roaring2 = new roaring_bitmap;
printf("cardinality:%u\n", $roaring->cardinality());
printf("contains %d: %d\n", $n, $roaring->contains($n));
printf("roaring2 isSubset:%d\n", $roaring2->isSubSet($roaring));
printf("roaring values:");
for($roaring->iterator_begin(); $roaring->iterator_end() === false; $roaring->iterator_advance()){
printf("%u,", $roaring->iterator_value());
$vals = $roaring->toArray();
All method accept 32 bit or 64 bit integer
$roaring = new roaring_bitmap64;
$n = 9000000000000000102;
printf("contains %d: %d\n", $n, $roaring->contains($n));
$roaring2 = new roaring_bitmap64;
printf("cardinality:%u\n", $roaring->cardinality());
printf("contains %d: %d\n", $n, $roaring->contains($n));
printf("roaring2 isSubset:%d\n", $roaring2->isSubSet($roaring));
printf("roaring values:");
for($roaring->iterator_begin(); $roaring->iterator_end() === false; $roaring->iterator_advance()){
printf("%u,", $roaring->iterator_value());
$vals = $roaring->toArray();
- void roaring_bitmap::__construct()
Create the roaring_bitmap object
- long roaring_bitmap::add(long $n)
Add value n
- bool roaring_bitmap::addChecked(long $n)
Add value n. Returns true if a new value was added, false if the value was already existing
- void roaring_bitmap::addRange(long $x, long $y)
add if all values from x (included) to y (excluded)
- long roaring_bitmap::addMany(array $arr)
Add value from array $arr
- long roaring_bitmap::remove(long $n)
Remove value n
- bool roaring_bitmap::removeChecked(long $n)
Remove value n. Returns true if a new value was removed, false if the value was not existing.
- long roaring_bitmap::maximum()
Return the largest value (if not empty)
- long roaring_bitmap::minimum()
Return the smallest value (if not empty)
- bool roaring_bitmap::contains(long $n)
Check if value n is present
- bool roaring_bitmap::contains(long $x, long $y)
Check if all values from x (included) to y (excluded) are present
- long roaring_bitmap::rank(long $n)
Returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to n.
- long roaring_bitmap::select(long $rank)
If the size of the roaring bitmap is strictly greater than rank, then this function returns the element of given rank. Otherwise, it returns false.
- bool roaring_bitmap::flip(long $begin, long $end)
compute the negation of the roaring bitmap within a specified interval. areas outside the range are passed through unchanged.
- bool roaring_bitmap::isEmpty()
Returns true if the bitmap is empty (cardinality is zero).
- long roaring_bitmap::cardinality()
Get the cardinality of the bitmap (number of elements).
- long roaring_bitmap::getSizeInBytes([bool $portable = false])
How many bytes are required to serialize this bitmap. Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very sparse bitmaps).
- long roaring_bitmap::replace(roaring_bitmap $another)
Copies the content of the provided bitmap, and discard the current content.
- bool roaring_bitmap::eq(roaring_bitmap $another)
Return true if the two bitmaps contain the same elements.
- long roaring_bitmap::sub(roaring_bitmap $another)
Compute the difference between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap, writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not modified.
- long roaring_bitmap::and(roaring_bitmap $another)
Copies the content of the provided bitmap, and discard the current content.
- long roaring_bitmap::or(roaring_bitmap $another)
Compute the union between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap, writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not modified.
- long roaring_bitmap::xor(roaring_bitmap $another)
Compute the symmetric union between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap, writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not modified.
- long roaring_bitmap::and_cardinality(roaring_bitmap $another)
Computes the size of the intersection between two bitmaps.
- long roaring_bitmap::or_cardinality(roaring_bitmap $another)
Computes the size of the union between two bitmaps.
- long roaring_bitmap::andnot_cardinality(roaring_bitmap $another)
Computes the size of the difference (andnot) between two bitmaps.
- long roaring_bitmap::xor_cardinality(roaring_bitmap $another)
Computes the size of the symmetric difference (andnot) between two bitmaps.
- double roaring_bitmap::jaccard_index(roaring_bitmap $another)
Computes the Jaccard index between two bitmaps. (Also known as the Tanimoto distance, or the Jaccard similarity coefficient) The Jaccard index is undefined if both bitmaps are empty.
- bool roaring_bitmap::isSubset(roaring_bitmap $another)
Returns true if the bitmap is subset of the other.
- bool roaring_bitmap::isStrictSubset(roaring_bitmap $another)
Returns true if the bitmap is strict subset of the other.
- bool roaring_bitmap::iterator_begin()
Iterate over the bitmap elements. Move the iterator to the first value.
- bool roaring_bitmap::iterator_end()
Return false means that the iteration should continue while true means that it should stop.
- bool roaring_bitmap::iterator_advance()
Move the iterator to the next.
- long roaring_bitmap::iterator_value()
Return current iterator value.
- array roaring_bitmap::toArray()
Convert the bitmap to an array and return it. array size is: this->cardinality()
- string roaring_bitmap::toString()
Print the content of the bitmap into a string and return it.
- string roaring_bitmap::write([bool $portable = false])
write a bitmap to a char buffer. Returns how many bytes were written which should be getSizeInBytes(). Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very sparse bitmaps).
- bool roaring_bitmap::read(string $data, [bool $portable = false])
read a bitmap from a serialized version. Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very sparse bitmaps).
- bool roaring_bitmap::getCopyOnWrite()
Whether or not copy and write is active.
- bool roaring_bitmap::setCopyOnWrite()
Whether or not we apply copy and write.
- bool roaring_bitmap::removeRunCompression()
Remove run-length encoding even when it is more space efficient return whether a change was applied.
- bool roaring_bitmap::runOptimize()
convert array and bitmap containers to run containers when it is more efficient; also convert from run containers when more space efficient. Returns true if the result has at least one run container. Additional savings might be possible by calling shrinkToFit().
- long roaring_bitmap::shrinkToFit()
If needed, reallocate memory to shrink the memory usage. Returns the number of bytes saved.
- void roaring_bitmap64::__construct()
Create the roaring_bitmap64 object
- long roaring_bitmap64::add(string $n)
Add value n(numeric string)
- bool roaring_bitmap64::addChecked(string $n)
Add value n. Returns true if a new value was added, false if the value was already existing
- long roaring_bitmap64::addMany(array $arr)
Add value from array $arr
- long roaring_bitmap64::remove(string $n)
Remove value n
- bool roaring_bitmap64::removeChecked(string $n)
Remove value n. Returns true if a new value was removed, false if the value was not existing.
- string roaring_bitmap64::maximum()
Return the largest value (if not empty)
- string roaring_bitmap64::minimum()
Return the smallest value (if not empty)
- bool roaring_bitmap64::contains(string $n)
Check if value n is present
- string roaring_bitmap64::rank(string $n)
Returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to n.
- string roaring_bitmap64::select(string $rank)
If the size of the roaring bitmap is strictly greater than rank, then this function returns the element of given rank. Otherwise, it returns false.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::flip(string $begin, string $end)
compute the negation of the roaring bitmap within a specified interval. areas outside the range are passed through unchanged.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::isEmpty()
Returns true if the bitmap is empty (cardinality is zero).
- string roaring_bitmap64::cardinality()
Get the cardinality of the bitmap (number of elements).
- string roaring_bitmap64::getSizeInBytes([bool $portable = false])
How many bytes are required to serialize this bitmap. Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very sparse bitmaps).
- long roaring_bitmap64::replace(roaring_bitmap64 $another)
Copies the content of the provided bitmap, and discard the current content.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::eq(roaring_bitmap64 $another)
Return true if the two bitmaps contain the same elements.
- long roaring_bitmap64::sub(roaring_bitmap64 $another)
Compute the difference between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap, writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not modified.
- long roaring_bitmap64::and(roaring_bitmap64 $another)
Copies the content of the provided bitmap, and discard the current content.
- long roaring_bitmap64::or(roaring_bitmap64 $another)
Compute the union between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap, writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not modified.
- long roaring_bitmap64::xor(roaring_bitmap64 $another)
Compute the symmetric union between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap, writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not modified.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::isSubset(roaring_bitmap64 $another)
Returns true if the bitmap is subset of the other.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::isStrictSubset(roaring_bitmap64 $another)
Returns true if the bitmap is strict subset of the other.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::iterator_begin()
Iterate over the bitmap elements. Move the iterator to the first value.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::iterator_end()
Return false means that the iteration should continue while true means that it should stop.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::iterator_advance()
Move the iterator to the next.
- string roaring_bitmap64::iterator_value()
Return current iterator value.
- array roaring_bitmap64::toArray()
Convert the bitmap to an array and return it. array size is: this->cardinality()
- string roaring_bitmap64::toString()
Print the content of the bitmap into a string and return it.
- string roaring_bitmap64::write([bool $portable = false])
write a bitmap to a char buffer. Returns how many bytes were written which should be getSizeInBytes(). Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very sparse bitmaps).
- bool roaring_bitmap64::read(string $data, [bool $portable = false])
read a bitmap from a serialized version. Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very sparse bitmaps).
- bool roaring_bitmap64::getCopyOnWrite()
Whether or not copy and write is active.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::setCopyOnWrite()
Whether or not we apply copy and write.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::removeRunCompression()
Remove run-length encoding even when it is more space efficient return whether a change was applied.
- bool roaring_bitmap64::runOptimize()
convert array and bitmap containers to run containers when it is more efficient; also convert from run containers when more space efficient. Returns true if the result has at least one run container. Additional savings might be possible by calling shrinkToFit().
- long roaring_bitmap64::shrinkToFit()
If needed, reallocate memory to shrink the memory usage. Returns the number of bytes saved.