A UI for running mocha inside of your project.
It is required to install the npm package atom-ui-reporter
within your project:
npm install --save-dev atom-ui-reporter
Press ctrl+shift+alt+m
to open the mocha-ui
- environment variables
- watch over different project directories
- filter which tests should be run
- saves your settings (package 'Project Manager' required)
- notifications
- It is possible to define the ENV (useful for usage with debug npm package)
You can specify a pattern watch files. On changes mocha will be run. Syntax:
will watch all coffee-script files within your first project directory and its test
- small width is not supported (style gets ugly)
- modals (path change/pattern change) don't close on cancel (clicking somewhere/pressing ESC)
- a button to clear the filter field is missing
- tests should run on blur of filter field
- doesn't scroll down automatically
- action bar is ugly (could be replaced by defining actions with shortcuts)
- watch doesn't fire on newly created files. To watch these, unwatch+watch must be clicked needs a new feature in atom. So no watch on freshly compiled files, watch the source instead.
- doesn't close on close of window (watcher is still active)
- doesn't work well, when opened in two atom instances simultaneous
Copyright (c) 2015 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.