This repository contains the LaTeX implementation of the UTC-N AC Bachelor thesis template and cover pages. The compiler used is XeLaTeX. For Windows, replace the fonts in thesis.cls and thesiscover.cls with Cambria, instead of Caladea, and Calibri, instead of Carlitto.
thesis.cls contains commands and configuration regarding the Thesis template.
thesiscover.cls contains commands and configuration for the cover pages
Fill-in the fields (replace the dummy-text) then compile.
Available commands:
1. sectioning
* \section (counted)
* \subsection (counted)
* \subsubsection (counted)
* \paragraph (uncounted)
* \maketableofcontents
* \defaultfont (must be placed at the beginning of the document)
2. environments (\begin{} ... \end{})
* thesisfigure{caption}{label}
* thesisequation{label}
* thesistable{downscale coefficient}{column styles}{caption}{label}
All the dimensions should coincide with the ones required.