This project deploys Avalanche Validator into k8s cluster. It uses Prometheus operator for monitoring. For details see this Medium article
# clone project with submodules
git clone --recursive
# add submodules after regular clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
brew install helm
./ create-cluster cluster-1
Use gcloud web console to create cluster
# Recommended k8s cluster:
# 1-2 Nodes
# Each node 1 CPU/4GB RAM
# Disk size 200GB
# approximate cost: $30/month for 1 node
# get k8s cluster credentials
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name> --zone us-central1-c --project <project-name>
./ deploy all
./ staking get ./staking.tgz
Keep it in a safe place in case node needs to be re-created.
tar xvf staking.tgz
./ -k staking deploy all
./ delete all
Update values in kube-avax/values.yaml
./ update avalanche
This creates or overwrites existing dashboards
./ deploy dashboards "node-monitoring/dashboards" <grafana-password>
./ grafana
Use browser on locahost:3000 user: admin password: prom-operator
See 'Kubernetes / Compute Resources / Pod -> avalalanche'
Alarms can be be configured to post messages to telegram. To add this functionality after prometheus and grafana are deployed, follow these steps:
- Create telegram chat and obtain chat id using telegram web interface. Go to your channel and observe its url: XXXXXXXX is the channel id
- Create telegram bot and obtain its api key from botfather in the form XXXXX:YYYYYYYYYYYY
- Configure telegram notification in grafana
./ create-alerts telegram <channel-id> <telegram-bot-api-key>
- Redeploy dashboards
./ deploy dashboards node-monitoring/dashboards
- Connect to grafana using port forward and test the alerts using
./ grafana
Via browser
./ avalanche
Via terminal
./ exec
# 'exit' to exit
This step is optional unless installing prometheus from repo. For that need to change
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo add stable
helm repo update
curl -X POST --data '{
"id" :1,
"method" :"info.peers"
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'