joplintool 0.9.21 (for joplin) by pat (based upon work from foxmask and tessus)
- checks and removes orphaned files in local resourcedir and remote sync dir
- shows some stats and a tree of your database
- default is a dryrun, nothing will be deleted
- removal of orphanes ignores timestamps...
- removal in resourcedir uses webinterface
- use --force if you know what you are doing
-checkr, --checkresources checks for orphanes files in resourcedir
-checkd, --checkdropbox checks for orphanes files in dropboxdir
-force, --force enables delete for checkorphanes and checkdropbox
-r, --recurse recurses through folders and notes / shows tree
-a, --align deflate/pack db after data was deleted...
-i, --info shows how many notes, folders, imagerefs are stored in the db
- checks if md files in sync dir can be found in database (note, folder, tag) of resourcedir (images)
- if not found they will be removed with the --force option
- checks if all files in resourcedir are assocciated with any note)
- does NOT consider timestamps ...
- if not found they will be removed with the --force option
used sql query:
SELECT resource_id FROM note_resources
WHERE is_associated = 0 and resource_id not in
(SELECT resource_id FROM note_resources
WHERE is_associated = 1)
ORDER BY resource_id