XDC Wallet is:
- simple
- secure
- private
- decentralized
- multi-currency
- cross-platform
- server-independent
- open source
XDC Wallet is a Mobile Application that allows users to send XDC and XDCE tokens from one account to another, just in a few clicks. XDC Wallet initially allows wallet creation on public/private blockchain with any of the ERC standards.It allows the user to then send transactions on public/private blockchain depending on which network the token is deployed. It also enables user to add their custom token which is deployed either on public/private blockchain.
npm install -g react-native-cli
cd XDCWallet-RN
npm install
react-native run-ios
or react-native run-android
For debugging, we recommend using React Native Debugger
mWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString("Mozilla/5.0 Google");
- User needs to signup for first time using GOOGLE signup or Slack.
- A new wallet is generated offline for the user providing a new public address and private key.
- User get to see the balance of XDC, XDCE and other custom tokens balances on dashboard in his native currency
- Whenever a user attempts to send tokens a transaction is generated and signed with users private key offline and then the transaction is sent to the network.
- A user can also export his private key through various options.
- A transactions list shows all the transactions done by the user.
- The application is secured with mpin from wallet creation to logout,