This is a small package that facilitates working with the data and model proposed in this ACL 2023 paper: Trillion Dollar Words: A New Financial Dataset, Task & Market Analysis (Shah, Paturi, and Chava 2023).
I am not the author of that paper nor am I affiliated with the authors of the paper. This package was developed as a by-product of me working with the data and model in Julia.
You can install the package from Julia’s general registry as follows:
using Pkg
To install the development version, use the following command:
using Pkg
The package provides the following functionality:
- Load pre-processed data.
- Load the model proposed in the paper.
- Basic model inference: compute forward passes and layer-wise activations.
The latter is particularly useful for downstream tasks related to mechanistic interpretability.
The entire dataset of all available sentences used in the paper can be loaded as follows:
using TrillionDollarWords
load_all_sentences() |> show
38358×8 DataFrame
Row │ sentence_id doc_id date event_type label sentence ⋯
│ Int64 Int64 Date String31 String7 String ⋯
1 │ 1 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral The Commi ⋯
2 │ 2 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral Consumer
3 │ 3 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes dovish Slower gr
4 │ 4 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes hawkish The deman
5 │ 5 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral The recen ⋯
6 │ 6 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral Nonfarm p
7 │ 7 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes hawkish Job growt
8 │ 8 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes hawkish Elsewhere
9 │ 9 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral The outpu ⋯
10 │ 10 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral Recent in
11 │ 11 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes hawkish Incoming
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱
38349 │ 38349 63 2015-09-17 press conference dovish monetary
38350 │ 38350 63 2015-09-17 press conference neutral When we—w ⋯
38351 │ 38351 63 2015-09-17 press conference neutral It’s one
38352 │ 38352 63 2015-09-17 press conference neutral 1 Chair Y
38353 │ 38353 63 2015-09-17 press conference neutral It remain
38354 │ 38354 63 2015-09-17 press conference neutral And, reme ⋯
38355 │ 38355 63 2015-09-17 press conference neutral It is tru
38356 │ 38356 63 2015-09-17 press conference dovish To me, th
38357 │ 38357 63 2015-09-17 press conference hawkish And since
38358 │ 38358 63 2015-09-17 press conference neutral There hav ⋯
3 columns and 38337 rows omitted
It is also possible to load a larger dataset that combines all sentences with market data used in the paper:
load_all_data() |> show
524395×11 DataFrame
Row │ sentence_id doc_id date event_type label sentence ⋯
│ Int64 Int64 Date String31 String7 String ⋯
1 │ 1 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral The Commi ⋯
2 │ 2 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral Consumer
3 │ 3 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes dovish Slower gr
4 │ 4 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes hawkish The deman
5 │ 5 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral The recen ⋯
6 │ 6 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral Nonfarm p
7 │ 7 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes hawkish Job growt
8 │ 8 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes hawkish Elsewhere
9 │ 9 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral The outpu ⋯
10 │ 10 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes neutral Recent in
11 │ 11 1 1996-01-30 meeting minutes hawkish Incoming
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱
524386 │ 29435 125 2022-10-12 speech hawkish However,
524387 │ 29436 125 2022-10-12 speech hawkish My genera ⋯
524388 │ 29429 125 2022-10-12 speech neutral I will fo
524389 │ 29430 125 2022-10-12 speech hawkish Inflation
524390 │ 29431 125 2022-10-12 speech neutral At this p
524391 │ 29432 125 2022-10-12 speech hawkish If we do ⋯
524392 │ 29433 125 2022-10-12 speech hawkish However,
524393 │ 29434 125 2022-10-12 speech hawkish To bring
524394 │ 29435 125 2022-10-12 speech hawkish However,
524395 │ 29436 125 2022-10-12 speech hawkish My genera ⋯
6 columns and 524374 rows omitted
Additional functionality for data loading is available (see docs).
The model can be loaded with or without the classifier head (below without the head). Under the hood, this function uses Transformers.jl to retrieve the model from HuggingFace. Any keyword arguments accepted by Transformers.HuggingFace.HGFConfig
can also be passed.
load_model(; load_head=false, output_hidden_states=true) |> show
├─ TextTokenizer(MatchTokenization(CodeNormalizer(BPETokenization(GPT2Tokenization, bpe = CachedBPE(BPE(50000 merges))), codemap = CodeMap{UInt8 => UInt16}(3 code-ranges)), 5 patterns)),
├─ vocab = Vocab{String, SizedArray}(size = 50265, unk = <unk>, unki = 4),
├─ codemap = CodeMap{UInt8 => UInt16}(3 code-ranges),
├─ startsym = <s>,
├─ endsym = </s>,
├─ padsym = <pad>,
├─ trunc = 256,
└─ process = Pipelines:
╰─ target[token] := TextEncodeBase.nestedcall(string_getvalue, source)
╰─ target[token] := Transformers.TextEncoders.grouping_sentence(target.token)
╰─ target[(token, segment)] := SequenceTemplate{String}(<s>:<type=1> Input:<type=1> </s>:<type=1> (</s>:<type=1> Input:<type=1> </s>:<type=1>)...)(target.token)
╰─ target[attention_mask] := (NeuralAttentionlib.LengthMask ∘ Transformers.TextEncoders.getlengths(256))(target.token)
╰─ target[token] := TextEncodeBase.trunc_or_pad(256, <pad>, tail, tail)(target.token)
╰─ target[token] := TextEncodeBase.nested2batch(target.token)
╰─ target := (target.token, target.attention_mask)
), HGFRobertaModel(Chain(CompositeEmbedding(token = Embed(1024, 50265), position = ApplyEmbed(.+, FixedLenPositionEmbed(1024, 514), Transformers.HuggingFace.roberta_pe_indices(1,)), segment = ApplyEmbed(.+, Embed(1024, 1), Transformers.HuggingFace.bert_ones_like)), DropoutLayer<nothing>(LayerNorm(1024, ϵ = 1.0e-5))), Transformer<24>(PostNormTransformerBlock(DropoutLayer<nothing>(SelfAttention(MultiheadQKVAttenOp(head = 16, p = nothing), Fork<3>(Dense(W = (1024, 1024), b = true)), Dense(W = (1024, 1024), b = true))), LayerNorm(1024, ϵ = 1.0e-5), DropoutLayer<nothing>(Chain(Dense(σ = NNlib.gelu, W = (1024, 4096), b = true), Dense(W = (4096, 1024), b = true))), LayerNorm(1024, ϵ = 1.0e-5))), Branch{(:pooled,) = (:hidden_state,)}(BertPooler(Dense(σ = NNlib.tanh_fast, W = (1024, 1024), b = true)))), Transformers.HuggingFace.HGFConfig{:roberta, JSON3.Object{Vector{UInt8}, Vector{UInt64}}, Dict{Symbol, Any}}(:use_cache => true, :torch_dtype => "float32", :vocab_size => 50265, :output_hidden_states => true, :hidden_act => "gelu", :num_hidden_layers => 24, :num_attention_heads => 16, :classifier_dropout => nothing, :type_vocab_size => 1, :intermediate_size => 4096, :max_position_embeddings => 514, :model_type => "roberta", :layer_norm_eps => 1.0e-5, :id2label => Dict(0 => "LABEL_0", 2 => "LABEL_2", 1 => "LABEL_1"), :_name_or_path => "roberta-large", :hidden_size => 1024, :transformers_version => "4.21.2", :attention_probs_dropout_prob => 0.1, :bos_token_id => 0, :problem_type => "single_label_classification", :eos_token_id => 2, :initializer_range => 0.02, :hidden_dropout_prob => 0.1, :label2id => Dict("LABEL_1" => 1, "LABEL_2" => 2, "LABEL_0" => 0), :pad_token_id => 1, :position_embedding_type => "absolute", :architectures => ["RobertaForSequenceClassification"]))
Using the model and data, layer-wise activations can be computed as below (here for the first 5 sentences). When called on a DataFrame
, the layerwise_activations
returns a data frame that links activations to sentence identifiers. This makes it possible to relate activations to market data by using the sentence_id
key. Alternatively, layerwise_activations
also accepts a vector of sentences.
df = load_all_sentences()
mod = load_model(; load_head=false, output_hidden_states=true)
n = 5
queries = df[1:n, :]
layerwise_activations(mod, queries) |> show
122880×4 DataFrame
Row │ sentence_id activations layer activation_id
│ Int64 Float32 Int64 Int64
1 │ 1 0.202931 1 1
2 │ 1 -0.00693996 1 2
3 │ 1 0.12731 1 3
4 │ 1 -0.0129803 1 4
5 │ 1 0.122843 1 5
6 │ 1 0.258675 1 6
7 │ 1 0.0466324 1 7
8 │ 1 0.0318548 1 8
9 │ 1 1.18888 1 9
10 │ 1 -0.0386651 1 10
11 │ 1 -0.116031 1 11
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
122871 │ 5 -0.769513 24 1015
122872 │ 5 0.834678 24 1016
122873 │ 5 0.212098 24 1017
122874 │ 5 -0.556661 24 1018
122875 │ 5 0.0957697 24 1019
122876 │ 5 1.04358 24 1020
122877 │ 5 1.71445 24 1021
122878 │ 5 1.162 24 1022
122879 │ 5 -1.58513 24 1023
122880 │ 5 -1.01479 24 1024
122859 rows omitted
For our own research (Altmeyer et al. 2024), we have been interested in probing the model. This involves using linear models to estimate the relationship between layer-wise transformer embeddings and some outcome variable of interest (Alain and Bengio 2018). To do this, we first had to run a single forward pass for each sentence through the RoBERTa model and store the layerwise emeddings. As we have seen above, the package ships with functionality for doing just that, but to save others valuable GPU hours we have archived activations of the hidden state on the first entity token for each layer as artifacts. To download the last-layer activations in an interactive Julia session, for example, users can proceed as follows:
using LazyArtifacts
julia> artifact"activations_layer_24"
We have found that despite the small sample size, the RoBERTa model appears to have distilled useful representations for downstream tasks that it was not explicitly trained for. The chart below shows the average out-of-sample root mean squared error for predicting various market indicators from layer activations. Consistent with findings in related work (Alain and Bengio 2018), we find that performance typically improves for layers closer to the final output layer of the transformer model. The measured performance is at least on par with baseline autoregressive models.
We hope that this small package may be useful to members of the Julia community who are interested in the interplay between Economics, Finance and Artificial Intelligence. It should serve as a good starting point for the following ideas:
- Fine-tune additional models on the classification task or other tasks of interest.
- Further model probing, e.g. using other market indicators not discussed in the original paper.
- Improve and extend the label annotations.
Any contributions are very much welcome.
The dev folder contains source code used to preprocess data sourced from the paper’s GitHub repo and the HuggingFace model repo. Preprocessed data is archived as artifacts and uploaded to GitHub releases to make it available to the package itself.
Alain, Guillaume, and Yoshua Bengio. 2018. “Understanding Intermediate Layers Using Linear Classifier Probes.”
Altmeyer, Patrick, Andrew M. Demetriou, Antony Bartlett, and Cynthia C. S. Liem. 2024. “Position Paper: Against Spurious Sparks-Dovelating Inflated AI Claims.”
Shah, Agam, Suvan Paturi, and Sudheer Chava. 2023. “Trillion Dollar Words: A New Financial Dataset, Task & Market Analysis.”