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Passwordmaker Pro for Android

This is the android implementation of the Passwordmaker Pro algorithm designed by View the Android public webpage.

How it works: You provide PasswordMaker two pieces of information: a "master password" -- that one, single password you like -- and the URL of the website requiring a password. Through the magic of one-way hash algorithms, PasswordMaker calculates a message digest(hash), also known as a digital fingerprint, which can be used as your password for the website. Although one-way hash algorithms have a number of interesting characteristics, the one capitalized by PasswordMaker is that the resulting fingerprint (password) does "not reveal anything about the input that was used to generate it." In other words, if someone has one or more of your generated passwords, it is computationally infeasible for him to derive your master password or to calculate your other passwords. Computationally infeasible means even computers like this won't help!

There are the same tools that you can download for many of the popular browsers, and other mobile devices. See the website for more information.

For bug reports please see the issue tracker.

Feel free to create a pull request to fix a bug or add a feature yourself!


Welcome to passwordmaker! If you haven't already checkout to know what password maker is all about.

If you have an issues or questions, with the Android version of PasswordMaker Pro, go to the Issue Tracker

Have a comment, question, or issue that you want to say more privately not on the issue tracker, feel free to email me.

Developer's account


If you are not a developer you probably don't need to read any farther down this file.

Repository layout

This project uses the Git Flow layout. You can download a helper plugin for git from repository.


  • You will ofcourse need to download the Android SDK
  • Download and install an IDE like IntelliJ with its plugin for Android.
  • Until passwordmaker-je-lib makes it into maven central, check it out and do a mvn install on it first.

I now set this up using the gradle build process. I use the Intellij IDE which makes the process really easy. Just install the Intellij Android plugin and import this project after cloning this repository. Use the import from external model, then choose "gradle". It should take care of the rest. Intellij created gradle wrappers which I believe you can just run ./gradlew <task>

See ./gradlew tasks for all of the tasks you wish to do.

For example to run the Android Test cases, run: ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest

Though I heavily suggest using an IDE like Intellij or Eclipse.

Step by Step Compiling in the commandline

Step 1: get build, and install passwordmaker-je

git clone
cd passwordmaker-je-lib
git checkout 0.9.3
mvn install

Step 2: get and build android passwordmaker

# the cd .. is just to go to the same parent directory as the passwordmaker-je-lib to checkout the android code
cd ..
git clone
git checkout release/v2.0.0
cd android-passwordmaker/passwordmaker
../gradlew assembleDebug

Step 3: apk

This should have built an apk inside of the android-passwordmaker/passwordmaker/build/apk directory: passwordmaker-debug.apk

To use gradle to install this, run:

../gradlew installDebug

To assemble the release mode, you run the task assembleRelease and to install: installRelease. However in order to build this you need to setup the signing.


In order to build this project you need to setup signing. I can't just include the signing keys in the git repo because that would mean anyone could sign as me. So you will need to generate your own signing keys. See Android signing help

Then from the android-passwordmaker/passwordmaker you need to setup your Environment by running the script:


This script is required to be 'sourced' from your shell whenever you open up a new shell, and be source because it adds 4 environment variables to your session.
NOTE: This seems like a pretty decent way to do this, as the password will never be visible. Also never stored on disk. However, maybe somehow invent a gpg way of storing the password and config info.


  • Why does PasswordMakerPro require using spongycastle?
    • Because Android provides part of BouncyCastle, but not all of it. And some of the Hash algorithms used by passwordmaker didn't make the cut.
    • Spongycastle is basically just BouncyCastle moved to a different package. Then renamed to SC as its provider name.
  • Why did you need to Shim out the XmlWriter interface?
    • Because once against, Android moved out some of the javax.xml.streaming.* classes and it doesn't work.
    • So the solution was to just shim out the interface, then have it use the xmlpull package that comes with Android.
  • Why did you want to move to use the java library passwordmaker-je?
  • Version Code strategy:
    • <major>.<minor>.<revision> -> code: First digit is major, second two digits is minor, and last two digits are revision.
    • Example: for 2.13.4 the code would be 21304 This way as the version number increases the code will also be a bigger number
    • This is different for the first 10 released versions which were just the release numbers.
  • What the blank, mvn and gradle?
    • Yeah, until I fixed up the build for the passwordmaker-je-lib more, it is using maven.
    • And this project is using gradle, cause really, I like gradle, other than its slow to startup. But it works well with android dev.

Deploying using the android developer webpage and Android Studio

  1. In Android Studio go to action: Generate Signed Bundled
  2. Choose Android App Bundle
  3. Locate keystore, select alias passwordmakerproforandroid and type in the correct password.
  4. Select destination folder and use build type releases
  5. Locate the release bundle (Android Studio should prompt for it): something named passwordmaker.aab
  6. Log into Android developer Play console:
  7. Within the application for passwordmaker go to the Release management / App Releases
  8. Select Manage from the Production track
  9. Click on the button Create Release
  10. Give it the signed bundle generated.
  11. Ensure the internal version is reasonable.
  12. give a short description on what changed
  13. Click Save, followed by 'Review'
  14. Let it get deployed.

Adding the built artifacts to releases in Github

  • As a place to keep all of the versions of the software, its nice to use the releases section of github.
  • Should now release both the aab and the apk.
  • In Android studio go to build/'Generate signed bundled/apk'
  • We will do both options, one at a time (Android App Bundle and then APK)
  • If you followed the instructions to upload to the Play Store, you already did the signed app bundled.
  • So just go throught the Build signed 'APK' option
  • Locate keystore, select alias passwordmakerproforandroid and type in the correct password.
  • Select destination folder and use build type releases
    • Ensure both v1 and v2 Signature Versions are selected.
  • Click finished.
  • Find the files in the 'releases' directory and upload it as the release for the new tagged version.

Status of this project

Update 2014-07-17 by @tasermonkey

Release Version 2.0.1

Note on Patches/Pull Requests:

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Commit, do not mess with version in build.gradle (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for feature branches.


Copyright (c) 2010 James Stapleton and . See LICENSE for details. A list of all contributors can be found at the contributors page.