This repository contains the source code of our ADL4CV-project about StyleGAN Latent Space Control with cGANs.
It builds on the code of In-Domain GAN Inversion (, which again is a fork of the official StyleGAN repository (
In this project, we present a training approach, which allows us to generate StyleGAN latent space embeddings based on easy to control input constraints for the desired shape and appearance of face images.
Some results are depicted below:
More results can be found in resources/results
Our main changes & extensions can be found in the following files:
- contains the loss implementation of our encoder which consists of the adversarial loss on the manipulated image
, the cycle reconstruction lossL_cycle_rec
and the adversarial loss on the cycle-reconstructed imageL_adv_cycle
- also contains the loss implementation of the discriminator loss (basic GAN-loss)
- contains the loss implementation of our encoder which consists of the adversarial loss on the manipulated image
- contains the implementation of the encoder
- contains the implementation of the discriminator
- contains the training loop
- implementation of CSIM metric
- implementation of FID distance
- implementation of Haussdorff metric
- generation of result images
- creation of our dataset, which includes extracting the keypoints (based on of the FFHQ dataset samples and drawing the corresponding landmark images.
Our network expects the following:
- Pre-Trained StyleGAN Network
- Pre-Trained GAN-Inversion Network
- Dataset: FFHQ dataset + corresponding landmark images
In order to create the dataset, i.e., augment the FFHQ samples with their corresponding landmark images, you can use the jupyter notebook resources/dataset_creation.ipynb
We optimize our notebook to be executed in Google Colab.
The file src/
is the main configuration file used for training and inference/metrics. The following values need to be set:
path to dataset (tfrecords-format, consisting of FFHQ images and their corresponding keypoints and landmark images); may be on Google DriveTEST_DATA_DIR
: path to test-datasetPICKLE_DIR
: path to the pre-trained StyleGAN-Generator-NetworkINVERSION_PICKLE_DIR
: path to the pre-trained Embedding-NetworkGDRIVE_PATH
: path, were checkpoints, and results should be saved (can be on Google Drive)
In order to organize our experiments and achieve reproducability, we create a dedicated branch to every training-experiment that we run.
To run a new experiment, please create a branch run/<id>_<description>
and do the setup (e.g. change loss, architecture, etc.) you want to run. The following code will then start the training loop, and save results and model-checkpoints to GoogleDrive:
[First fill out the
file as stated above.]
Clone project & checkout branch
!git clone
%cd /content/ADL4CV-Project/src
!git checkout run/<your branch you want to run>
Import 1.x version of tensorflow & Connect Google Drive
%tensorflow_version 1.x
import tensorflow as tf
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from google.colab import drive
Run Training
While the master
branch contains the implementation of our proposed architecture latent difference based encoder + cycle consistency (in latent space), the following branches have been used in our ablation study:
- Naive Encoder:
- Naive Encoder + Cycle Consistency:
- Latent Diff. Encoder + Cycle Consistency (Image Space):
- Latent Diff. Encoder + Cycle Consistency (Latent Space):
- Latent Diff. Encoder + Cycle Consistency (Latent Space):
The instructions for running metrics can be found in the src/metrics