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talumme edited this page Aug 24, 2016 · 5 revisions

Partioid-scripts contains three export scripts that can be used to generate CSV files for Office 365 provisioning and send the CSV files to the Office 365 system. These can be found from the bin/o365 folder. The export scripts are following:

  • exports new users that have been created after the previous run
  • exports updated users that have been updated after the previous run
  • exports removed users that have been removed after the previous run

There are also scripts for the automation of member data export. These scripts are following:

  • o365-export-members: calls all three export scripts (new, updated and deleted) sequentially
  • o365-export: script that will run once a day. The script should be copied to the /etc/cron.daily directory

The export scripts will transfer the generated output files to Office 365 system unless -y argument is set.

The environment specific configuration can be found under the /opt/partioid-scripts/etc directory. The configuration files related are following:

  • ftps-url: contains the FTPS URL where to transfer the output CSV files
  • ftps-user: contains the FTPS credentials
  • mysql-extra.conf: contains the environment specific MySQL parameters

Only users whose upn column is set are output by the scripts that output new and updated users. If users upn column value is unset, the user is assumed to be removed.

Data is output to following kind of files under the /opt/partioid-scripts/var/o365-export-members directory:

  • New users: Uudet_<timestamp>.csv, e.g. Uudet_20151214115122.csv
  • Updated users: Muokatut_<timestamp>.csv, e.g. Muokatut_20151214115124.csv
  • Removed users: Poistetut_<timestamp>.csv, e.g. Poistetut_20151214115127.csv

The output files have no header line. The fields are separated by , and there are no quotation marks around the field values. All the files use the same column format which is described below:

Column Description Example Value
membernumber User's membernumber 9823459
upn User's Office365 upn [email protected]
firstname User's first name Aapo
lastname User's last name Kiilunen
email User's email address [email protected]
postalcode User's postal code 00100
is_suspended Boolean variable defining whether user is suspended 0
is_o365_suspended Boolean variable defining whether user's Office 365 account should be suspended 0

Following is an example row:

9823459,[email protected],Aapo,Kiilunen,[email protected],00100,0,0

If the value in a field is not populated, value NULL is output.

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