This repository hosts the HCC based BLAS Library (hcBLAS), that targets GPU acceleration of the traditional set of BLAS routines on AMD devices. . To know what HCC compiler features, refer here.
The following list enumerates the current set of BLAS sub-routines that are supported so far.
- Sgemm : Single Precision real valued general matrix-matrix multiplication
- Cgemm : Complex valued general matrix matrix multiplication
- Sgemv : Single Precision real valued general matrix-vector multiplication
- Sger : Single Precision General matrix rank 1 operation
- Saxpy : Scale vector X and add to vector Y
- Sscal : Single Precision scaling of Vector X
- Dscal : Double Precision scaling of Vector X
- Scopy : Single Precision Copy
- Dcopy : Double Precision Copy
- Sasum : Single Precision Absolute sum of values of a vector
- Dasum : Double Precision Absolute sum of values of a vector
- Sdot : Single Precision Dot product
- Ddot : Double Precision Dot product
To know more, go through the Documentation
- Support for 13 commonly used BLAS routines
- Batched GEMM API
- Ability to Choose desired target accelerator
- Single and Double precision
- Refer Prerequisites section here
- Refer Tested environments enumerated here
- Follow installation steps as described here
- Follow testing procedures as explained here
- The Specification of API's supported along with description can be found here
Sgemm (NoTranspose) example:
file: sgemmNN_example.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "hcblas.h"
#include "hc_am.hpp"
#include "hcblaslib.h"
int main() {
// Sgemm input variables
int M = 123;
int N = 78;
int K = 23;
int incx = 1, incy = 1;
float alpha = 1;
float beta = 1;
long lda;
long ldb;
long ldc;
// variable to hold return status of hcblas routines
hcblasStatus_t status;
// Create hcBlas handle object.
// Sets default target accelerator (id =1) and data layout as column major
hcblasHandle_t handle = NULL;
hc::accelerator default_acc;
// Passing a Null handle and default accelerator to the API
status = hcblasCreate(&handle, &default_acc);
// Variables to hold Transpose combinations
hcblasOperation_t typeA, typeB;
// Allocate host pointers
float* h_A = (float*) calloc( M * K, sizeof(float));
float* h_B = (float*) calloc( K * N, sizeof(float));
float* h_C = (float*) calloc( M * N, sizeof(float));
// Initialize host pointers
for(int i = 0; i < M * K; i++) {
h_A[i] = rand()%100;
for(int i = 0; i < K * N;i++) {
h_B[i] = rand() % 15;
for(int i = 0; i < M * N;i++) {
h_C[i] = rand() % 25;
// Allocate device pointers
float* d_A = hc::am_alloc(sizeof(float) * M * K, handle->currentAccl, 0);
float* d_B = hc::am_alloc(sizeof(float) * K * N, handle->currentAccl, 0);
float* d_C = hc::am_alloc(sizeof(float) * M * N, handle->currentAccl, 0);
// Initialze device pointers using hcblasSetMatrix utility
status = hcblasSetMatrix(handle, M, K, sizeof(float), h_A, M, d_A, K);
printf("Error : Data download failure\n");
status = hcblasSetMatrix(handle, K, N, sizeof(float), h_B, K, d_A, N);
printf("Error : Data download failure\n");
status = hcblasSetMatrix(handle, M, N, sizeof(float), h_C, M, d_C, N);
printf("Error : Data download failure\n");
// NoTransA and NoTransB */
typeA = HCBLAS_OP_N;
typeB = HCBLAS_OP_N;
// Column major Settings */
lda = M; ldb = K ; ldc = M;
// Invoke Sgemm Blas routine
status = hcblasSgemm(handle, typeA, typeB, M, N, K, &alpha, d_A, lda, d_B, ldb, &beta, d_C, ldc);
printf("Error : Function invocation failure\n");
// Get the device output d_C back to host
status = hcblasGetMatrix(handle, M, N, sizeof(float), d_C, M, h_C, N);;
printf("Error : Upload failure\n");
// h_C now contains the results. The user can now print or use h_c for further computation
// Deallocate the resources
// Destroy the handle
status = hcblasDestroy(&handle);
printf("Error : Handle deallocation failure\n");
//Free host resources
// Release device resources
Compiling the example code:
Assuming the library and compiler installation is followed as in here
/opt/rocm/hcc/bin/clang++ `/opt/rocm/hcc/bin/hcc-config --cxxflags --ldflags` -lhc_am -lhcblas -I../lib/include -L../build/lib/src sgemm_example.cpp