Blooper is squid-like creatures that are found in the ocean. It can also write squid access log into a database (I believe any sequel-support database). Should you write a squid access log into a data base, you won't have to catch a blooper in the ocean of errors for that. I have already tamed one, and you are free to use it.
The idea is shamelessly stolen from logmysqldaemon script.
gem install (pg|mysql|oracle|sqlite|etc sequel database adapter)
gem install blooper
logformat squid_log time %{%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S%z}tl time_response %tr mac_source %>eui ip_source %>a squid_request_status %Ss http_status_code %03>Hs http_reply_size %<st http_request_method %rm http_request_url %ru user_name %un squid_hier_code %Sh ip_destination %<a http_content_type %mt
access_log daemon:{adapter:postgres,database:squid,username:squid,password:squid,host:db,encoding:utf8} squid_log
logfile_daemon /usr/local/bin/blooper
The column names are dynamic, here time is a column name, %{%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S%z} is a value that will be written into that column.
The second string contains database access information, the credential depends on adapter, tested only with postgres.
The third string is a full path to the executable ($ which blooper).
createdb squid
psql squid < sql/pg_schema.sql
psql squid < sql/pg_data.sql
Or use your own schema integration, just specify the proper format into the logformat variable in squid.conf.