Sapient secures your Node.js applications' server-to-server HTTP(S) traffic even in the wake of a TLS security breakdown (compromised certificate authority, etc.).
Sapient allows you to quickly and easily add application-layer cryptography to your API requests and responses.
- Secure APIs:
- Shared-key encryption
- XChaCha20-Poly1305
- Shared-key authentication
- HMAC-SHA512-256
- Anonymous public-key encryption
- X25519 + BLAKE2b + XChaCha20-Poly1305
- Public-key digital signatures
- Ed25519
- Shared-key encryption
- Digital signatures and authentication are backwards-compatible
with unsigned JSON API clients and servers
- The signaure and authentication tag will go into HTTP headers, rather than the request/response body.
npm install --save sapient
Sapient uses Sodium-Plus internally.
The default Sodium-Plus backend is cross-platform, but you can obtain greater
performance by installing sodium-native
npm install --save sodium-native
This isn't strictly necessary, and sodium-native doesn't work in browsers, but if you're not targeting browsers, you can get a significant performance boost.
See the request-promise documentation.
To use Sapient, you'll simply need to preprocess your options
const rp = require('request-promise-native');
const {Sapient, SigningSecretKey} = require('sapient');
(async function () {
let sk = await SigningSecretKey.generate();
let request = {
'method': 'POST',
'uri': '',
'form': {
'important': 'some value that needs integrity',
'test': 12345,
'now': '2019-07-31T09:00:00+00:00'
let response = await rp(await Sapient.signFormRequest(request, sk));
try {
await Sapient.verifySignedResponse(response, sk.getPublicKey());
} catch (e) {
This code will fetch data from the PHP Chronicle, verify the signature, return an object representing the JSON data that we authenticated.
const rp = require('request-promise-native');
const {Sapient, SigningPublicKey} = require('sapient');
(async function () {
let publicKey = SigningPublicKey.fromString(
let request = {
'method': 'GET',
'uri': '',
'resolveWithFullResponse': true
let response = await rp(request);
console.log(await Sapient.decodeSignedJsonResponse(response, publicKey));
This should result in the following (except with differing timestamps):
{ version: '1.1.x',
datetime: '2019-07-31T03:37:48-04:00',
status: 'OK',
[ { contents: '{\n "repository": "paragonie\\/certainty",\n "sha256": "cb2eca3fbfa232c9e3874e3852d43b33589f27face98eef10242a853d83a437a",\n "signature": "d368533011b7e9eb09d1cc3a78faef70adcd1188aaee7a47698e0783339275b9b506a982c98dee119969c599581275f76733e0c2f96380405faed1d8678a0302",\n "time": "2019-05-15T16:26:42-04:00"\n}',
prevhash: '1RrlFkZRs6Srb9W2cNh-cGAzk5bkd9sVEes6ZShJ-ZA=',
currhash: '8wL2OsihjC2ihOfyjqs2YwvZbry11veuWucqjhz4f6Y=',
summaryhash: 'WQG3tH3CiLHg_upN0ABhKiYWOGwH3n9l4pM04bXwG54=',
created: '2019-05-15T16:26:45-04:00',
publickey: 'mPLfrUEV_qnwlsNUhbO_ILBulKysO3rPYYWqWAYCA0I=',
signature: 'W8OKNuUa8Bma0TpKWmYXxFdyvyuPaq87hvcD6VIwQgfxFowSPM5L_6q7p4FGcXDQtxP41qKHf-ANEfgxOqztAw==' } ] }