Standalone Web Service GUI written in C, utilizing Websockets and Bootstrap/JS It wants to be a sample implementation, a playing ground. Goals are easy deployment, small code base.
- cmake 2.6:
- install dependencies, cmake is available from all major distributions.
- create build directory
cd /path/to/src; mkdir build; cd build
- create makefile
- build
- install
sudo make install
or just run with./ympc
Usage: ./ympc [OPTION]...
-c, --url <url> use alternative url to bootstrap services
-l, --listen [ip:]<port> listen on address, defaults to
-k, --cert ssl_cert.pem path to certificate (not working yet)
-u, --user <username> drop priviliges to user after socket bind
-V, --version get version
--help this help
2013-2014 [email protected]
2014 [email protected]