This is the frontend repository which has been deployed on netlify. You can login with a Facebook account (which will be used to create an account for you), or if you want to browse the website, you can use a Guest Account. Contact me and I will provide you a password.
The purpose of this application was to have users login with their Facebook account (and create an account on my application with their profile). Facebook has made it so only business accounts can use their login feature, so this option is no longer available. User creation on my application is therefore not implemented (except for allowed accounts for development purposes). You can still login with a Guest account as mentioned above.
This is a very simplified version of Facebook. You can add friends, create posts and write comments on your friends posts.
I used React and Tailwind to develop the frontend, styled minimaly at the time.
For the backend I used Express and MongoDB. You can find the repository on github too.