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The purpose of this project was to implement an existing website. I decided to implement Ravelry in React+Typescript and Firebase. Ravelry is a website for crafters where users have their own profile and a notebook with projects. There is a community element where you can add friends and talk with other people on forums. You can also keep track of your yarn stash and buy patterns.
Since it is a fairly complex website I only implemented the following features:
- create profile
- create projects
- see other member's profiles
- add friends
This project took me a lot longer to finish than I had imagined. But it was an excellent way to learn more about React and Typescript. I could certainly continue implementing features, but I believe I would only be repeating existing features in a different context and therefore wouldn't learn much more. Would love to implement the forum feature, but I can only stay on the same project so long.
I also got a chance to learn more about React Redux and React Router which was interesting.
All in all I'm happy with my progress. 😊