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Sub‐Zero Configuration

Tommy Mikkelsen edited this page Jun 11, 2017 · 40 revisions

#TODO: Fix this page with new pics

Accessing the configuration

To access the configuration of Sub-Zero, first select the Channels menu, and then press the little cogs icon. You can also access Sub-Zero's settings from the Agents menu in your PMS configuration.

Channels Select Gear Icon

The configuration page will now show. Let's go through that for a short couple of steps:

Language configuration


  1. Subtitle language (1)/(2)/(3): The languages to download subtitles for
  2. Additional Subtitle languages (Use ISO-639-1 or IETF language codes, on a comma separated list)
  3. Only download foreign/forced subtitles
  4. Treat IETF language tags as ISO 639-1 (e.g. pt-BR = pt; this means that a pt-BR language tag will display as "Portuguese" in clients)
  5. Restrict to one language (Only used if you only download for one language, and will avoid
  6. When detecting embedded subtitles in a media, and it's without a language code (UND/Unknown), it will be treated as selected language number 1

Provider configuration

Sub-Zero allows you to select the best subtitle from multiple providers To configure those, look

Scanning configuration


  1. I keep the exact (release-) filename of my media files:
    • If you don't rename your media files automatically or manually and keep the original release's file names, enabling this option may help finding suitable subtitles for your media. Otherwise: disable this.
  2. Scan: Include embedded subtitles:
    • When enabled, subliminal finds embedded subtitles (ignoring forced) that are already present within the media file.
  3. Scan: Include external subtitles:
    • When enabled, subliminal finds subtitles located near the media file (or in the configured sub-folder) on the filesystem. (SideCars)
  4. Scan: include "exotic" embedded or external subtitle formats (anything else than .srt/.ssa/.ass)
    • Enabling this if you got subtitles in other formats than above, but do note, that they most likely req. transcoding
  5. Scan: Which external subtitles should be picked up
    • Exact: Only is media file and subtitles are named identical
    • Loose: Filename contains the media filename
    • Any: Pickup any file

Scores configuration


  1. Minimum score for TV-Show subtitle download (keep the default value for best results)
    • When configured, what is the minimum score for subtitles to download them? Lower scored subtitles are not downloaded. See here for more info
  2. Minimum score for Movie download (keep the default value for best results)
    • When configured, what is the minimum score for subtitles to download them? Lower scored subtitles are not downloaded.See here for more info

Hearing Impeared configuration


  1. Download hearing impaired subtitles:
    • "prefer": score subtitles for hearing impaired higher
    • "don't prefer": score subtitles for hearing impaired lower
    • "force HI": skip subtitles if the hearing impaired flag isn't set
    • "force non-HI": skip subtitles if the hearing impaired flag is set
  2. Remove Hearing Impaired tags from downloaded subtitles

Post Manipulation

Post Manipulation

  1. Fix common whitespace/punctuation issues in subtitles
  2. Fix common OCR errors in downloaded subtitles
  3. Change colors of subtitles

Subtitles storage configuration


  1. Store subtitles next to media files (instead of metadata)
  2. Subtitle format to convert and save as
  3. Subtitle folder:
  4. Custom Subtitle folder
  5. Fall back to metadata storage if filesystem storage failed
    • If PMS is running on Linux, or on Windows as a service, it has to have read/write rights to media storage, in order to be able to scan/save subtitle files next to the media. If that fails, we can instead store in the PMS Library
  6. When saving a subtitle file next to a media, set file permissions as configured
  7. When scanning a filestore, if we find subtitles for a media file that is non-existant, SZ will delete it
  8. On media playback: search for missing subtitles (refresh item)

Scheduler configuration


  1. Scheduler: Periodically search for recent items with missing subtitles
    • Here you can specify a scheduled interval, where SZ can catch up on missing subs
  2. Scheduler: Recent items to consider per library
    • The "Search for missing subtitles"-task only considers those items in the recently-added list, that are at most this old
  3. Scheduler: Recent items to consider per library
    • Limit the above search per library
  4. Scheduler: Periodically search for better subtitles
  5. Scheduler: Days to search for better subtitles (max: 30 days)
  6. Scheduler: Overwrite manually selected subtitles when better found
  7. Scheduler: Overwrite subtitles with non-default subtitle modifications when better found
    • If you made a special modification to a subtitle, then override regardless, if a better one is found

Advanced configuration


  1. Amount of data to store for the history
  2. How many download tries per subtitle (on timeout or error): How often should we retry a failed subtitle download?
  3. Ignore folders (...)
    • If a folder contains one of the files named subzero.ignore, .subzero.ignore, .nosz, don't process them. This applies to sections/libraries, movies, series, seasons, episodes
  4. Ignore anything in the following paths (comma-separated)
  5. Enable Sub-Zero channel.this will disable manual operation, but still allows Sub-Zero to work automatically
  6. Access PIN (any amount of numbers, 0-9)
    • Allows you to restrict access to SZ menu or configuration
    • SZ needs to be restarted for this to take affect. See Adv. Channel menu item 2
  7. Access PIN valid for minutes
    • How many minutes above PIN is valid in a session


  1. Call this executable upon successful subtitle download
  • Here you can specify a file to be executed after SZ finish downloading a subtitle
  • Available parameters: %(subtitle_language)s %(subtitle_path)s %(subtitle_filename)s %(provider)s %(score)s %(storage)s %(series_id)s %(series)s %(title)s %(section)s %(filename)s %(path)s %(folder)s %(season_id)s %(type)s %(id)s %(season)s
  1. Check for correct folder permissions of every library on plugin start
  • if enabled, SZ checks for write permissions of your library folders and warns about them in the plugin channel
  1. How verbose should the logging be?:
  • Controls how much info SZ writes into the log files (default: only warnings) - this is decoupled from your PMS
  1. Log to console (for development/debugging):
  • You know when you need it
  1. Help the developers collecting anonymous usage statistics
  • Helps in planning new features

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