A Leiningen plugin to release PalletOps projects.
Releases are made by creating a local release branch which is pushed to github. The branch will be built by travis, and pushed to master and develop if it succeeds. Jars are then built locally from master and pushed to clojars.
Add the plugin to your :user
in ~/.lein/profiles.clj
:plugins [[lein-pallet-release "0.1.21"]]
Install the travis command line.
The init
subcommand is used to initialise a project for releasing
with a test on travis. It requires a single argument, a 40 digit hex
github key for the pbors
github user, that will be used to authorise
travis to push to github master if the build succeeds. The key should
only have permissions to read and write repositories.
lein pallet-release init 435afe787ab878c32432435afe787ab878c32432
This will write the .travis.yml
file if it doesn't exist. It will also
add the plugin and configuration to profiles.clj
After running the command, inspect the created files and commit them.
To start a release, run:
lein pallet-release start previous-release new-release
This will create a release branch, enable the project on travis, and update release notes, readme, etc.
After running, check the modifications. Anything modified will be
commited by the finish
To finish a release, run:
lein pallet-release finish
This will commit any modified files (eg. README.md, project.clj, etc) with a commit message including the version number.
It then pushes the branch to github, from where travis will build it,
and push it back to the master
and develop
branches on github.
When the travis build has successfully completed, publish the jars with:
lein pallet-release publish
This will pull master from github and use your locally setup for publishing signed jars.
You can specify the url and branch travis should push to on the
:pallet-release {:url "Url for travis to push to"
:develop-branch "develop"
:branch "master"}
lein with-profile +doc doc
Copyright © 2014 Hugo Duncan, Antoni Batchelli
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.