Version 0.1.0
First release of rcanvec, submitted to win-builder and then to CRAN 2015-10-03. Had the following comments:
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs:
From: man/searchbbox.Rd
Status: 200
Message: OK
CRAN URL not in canonical form
The canonical URL of the CRAN page for a package is
The Title field should be in title case, current version then in title case:
'Access and plot CanVec and CanVec+ data for rapid basemap creation in Canada'
'Access and Plot CanVec and CanVec+ Data for Rapid Basemap Creation in Canada'
Packages in Depends field not imported from:
'rgdal' 'sp'
These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
.makecol: no visible global function definition for 'rgb' no visible global function definition for
'download.file' no visible global function definition for 'unzip'
canvec.export: no visible global function definition for 'data'
canvec.export: no visible binding for global variable 'canvec_layers'
canvec.layers: no visible global function definition for 'data'
canvec.layers: no visible binding for global variable 'canvec_layers'
canvec.plot: no visible binding for global variable 'plot'
canvec.qplot: no visible global function definition for 'CRS'
canvec.qplot: no visible global function definition for 'plot'
checkGeocodeQueryLimit: no visible binding for global variable 'time'
geocode: no visible global function definition for 'URLencode'
geocodeQueryCheck: no visible binding for global variable 'time'
Undefined global functions or variables:
CRS URLencode canvec_layers data download.file plot rgb time unzip
Consider adding
importFrom("grDevices", "rgb")
importFrom("graphics", "plot")
importFrom("stats", "time")
importFrom("utils", "URLencode", "data", "download.file", "unzip")
to your NAMESPACE.