Since asymetric RSA private/public keys cryptography has limitations on the size of the contents to be encrypted, a common practice is to encrypt files using symetric cryptography, such as aes-cbc, using the same key to encrypt and decrypt, and then use asymetric cryptography, such as RSA, to encrypt the aes key used with a pair of public/private keys.
A public key consist of a large number n which is the product of two large primes, p and q. It is almost impossible to factorise p and q from n.
However, if two public keys have been calculated from the same q, then n1 = p1 x q and n2 = p2 x q, and it is easy to calculate q as the greatest common divisor of n1 and n2.
From the p and q used to create the public key it is possible to obtain also the private key.
This write up explains the technique, math and history of the problem in great detail:
Step 1: Extract the different parts of each XML challenge file into separate files for later processing.
(note: There's an XML problem with the input file, the EncryptedFile closing tag is missing a forward slash /)
$python Ransom_File_001.txt
$python Ransom_File_002.txt
$openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in Ransom_File_001.txt__cert.pem > Ransom_File_001.txt__pubkey.pem
$openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in Ransom_File_002.txt__cert.pem > Ransom_File_002.txt__pubkey.pem
First, compile this binary from the source provided, which will create a private key file from the p and q values. The source code is kept in this repository as backup, and it's originally linked in the article mentioned above.
$clang private-from-pq.c -I /usr/local/include /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.a -o private-from-pq
- Get the n1 and n2 values from each of the public keys respectively
- Calculate the greatest common denominator and factorise n1 into p1 and gcd and n2 into p2 and gcd
- Generate private key files from p1 and gcd and from p2 and gcd
$python `openssl rsa -in Ransom_File_001.txt__pubkey.pem -pubin -modulus -noout | cut -d '=' -f 2` `openssl rsa -in Ransom_File_002.txt__pubkey.pem -pubin -modulus -noout|cut -d '=' -f 2` --p1 --gcd | xargs ./private-from-pq > Ransom_File_001.txt__privkey.key
$python `openssl rsa -in Ransom_File_001.txt__pubkey.pem -pubin -modulus -noout | cut -d '=' -f 2` `openssl rsa -in Ransom_File_002.txt__pubkey.pem -pubin -modulus -noout|cut -d '=' -f 2` --p2 --gcd | xargs ./private-from-pq > Ransom_File_002.txt__privkey.key
$grep -n 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY' Ransom_File_001.txt__privkey.key | cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs -I{} tail -n +{} Ransom_File_001.txt__privkey.key > Ransom_File_001.txt__privkey.pem
$grep -n 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY' Ransom_File_002.txt__privkey.key | cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs -I{} tail -n +{} Ransom_File_002.txt__privkey.key > Ransom_File_002.txt__privkey.pem
$openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey Ransom_File_001.txt__privkey.pem -in Ransom_File_001.txt__aes.key -out Ransom_File_001.txt__aes.pass
$openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey Ransom_File_002.txt__privkey.pem -in Ransom_File_002.txt__aes.key -out Ransom_File_002.txt__aes.pass
Step 8: Decrypt the encrypted files with encryption keys using the aes-256-cbc as indicated by the element
$openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in Ransom_File_001.txt__encrypted_file.raw -out Ransom_File_001.txt__original.txt -pass file:./Ransom_File_001.txt__aes.pass
$openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in Ransom_File_002.txt__encrypted_file.raw -out Ransom_File_002.txt__original.txt -pass file:./fRansom_File_002.txt__aes.pass