A React Native module that provides a simple WebView component to integrate Pagecall's audio feature into your application. Note that video feature is not supported yet.
It uses following native SDKs
npm install react-native-pagecall
yarn add react-native-pagecall
Please refer to the example. You can easily grasp it by looking at App.tsx.
Configure the minimum iOS version to 14 for installing the WebRTC package.
In your ios/Podfile, make the following adjustment:
- platform :ios, min_ios_version_supported
+ platform :ios, '14.0'
Configure the minimum Android minSdkVersion to 24 for installing the WebRTC package.
In your android/build.gradle, make the following adjustment:
ext {
buildToolsVersion = "34.0.0"
- minSdkVersion = 21
+ minSdkVersion = 24
compileSdkVersion = 33
compileSdkVersion = 33
targetSdkVersion = 33
ndkVersion = "25.1.8937393"
kotlinVersion = "1.8.0"
To use this module in an Android project, you need to add the dependency of pagecall-android-sdk
In your android/app/build.gradle file, add the following:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://maven.pkg.github.com/pagecall/pagecall-android-sdk'
credentials {
username = project.findProperty("GITHUB_USERNAME") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME")
password = project.findProperty("GITHUB_TOKEN") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
dependencies {
implementation 'com.pagecall:pagecall-android-sdk:0.0.46'
Ensure that you have a valid GitHub username and personal access token configured in your environment variables or project properties.