A simple C# library that generates 2D Delaunay triangulations from generic types. It is based on a sweep line algorithm where triangles are processed from left to right.
These instructions will explain how to integrate this library into your project. The examples are from Unity.
- Download and add all the files in /DelaunayTriangulation to your project.
- Import the library to the .cs files where it will be used.
using DelaunayTriangulation;
- Make sure the class that will provide the positions for the triangulation implements the IPosition interface.
public class Asteroid : MonoBehaviour, IPosition {
// [...]
publit float[] GetPosition() {
return new float[] {this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y};
// [...]
- Create and instantiate a Delaunay object. Make sure to specify the class implementing IPosition as the generic type and to pass an array of that type as a parameter.
Delaunay<Asteroid> triangulation;
triangulation = new Delaunay<Asteroid>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Asteroid> ());
- If you want the Delaunay triangulation. Get the object pairs forming the Delaunay triangulation. Make sure to create the proper data structure to receive the data. The following example draws debug lines.
Asteroid[][] delaunayPairs = triangulation.GetDelaunayPairs();
for (int i = 0; i < delaunayPairs.GetLength(0); i++) {
UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine (delaunayPairs [i][0].transform.position, delaunayPairs [i][1].transform.position, Color.green, 60f);
- If you want the Voronoi diagram. Get the pairs of coordinates forming the Voronoi diagram. Again, make sure to create the proper data structure to receive the data. The following example draws debug lines.
float[][][] voronoiPairs = triangulation.GetVoronoiPairs();
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Length; i++) {x
UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine (new Vector3(voronoiPairs[i][0][0],voronoiPairs[i][0][1]), new Vector3(voronoiPairs[i][1][0],voronoiPairs[i][1][1]), Color.red, 60f);
- Pierre-André Gagnon - Initial work - pag4k
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
- Thanks to Sjaak Priester (https://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/algorithms/general/article.php/c8901/Delaunay-Triangles.htm).