GitHub Actions / Unit Test Results
Dec 19, 2023 in 0s
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github-actions / Unit Test Results
672 tests found (test 1 to 470)
There are 672 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 470.
Raw output
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Empty array should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Favourite colours expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Favourite colours expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Favourite colours expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Messages match should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Messages match with regex should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Messages match with regex with bracket notation should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Messages match with same type should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Missing body should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Name should be null should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Name should not be null should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Nested arrays do not match, age is wrong type should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Nested arrays match should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ No body, no content-type should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Types and regular expressions don't match should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Unexpected phone number should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Unexpected phone number with null value should match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ Wrong type for name key should not match
specification.MessageSpecificationSpec ‑ top level array matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/matches.json Requests match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/missing index.json Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/missing key.json Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json Favourite colours expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json Favourite colours expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json Favourite colours expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json Plain text that matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json Unexpected phone number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json Unexpected phone number with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json Empty headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/matches.json Headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json Extra headers allowed should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ method/different method.json Methods is incorrect should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ method/matches.json Methods match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ method/method is different case.json Methods case does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ path/empty path found when forward slash expected.json Empty path found when forward slash expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ path/forward slash found when empty path expected.json Foward slash found when empty path expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ path/incorrect path.json Paths do not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ path/matches.json Paths match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ path/missing trailing slash in path.json Path is missing trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ path/unexpected trailing slash in path.json Path has unexpected trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ query/different param order.json Query strings are matched using basic string equality, these are not equal. (not supported by pact-jvm) should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ query/different param values.json Queries are not the same - hippo is Fred instead of John should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ query/matches with equals in the query value.json Queries are equivalent should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ query/matches.json Queries are the same should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1Spec ‑ query/trailing amperand.json Query strings are matched using basic string equality, these are not equal. (not supported by pact-jvm) should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/empty body no content type.json Empty body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/empty body.json Empty body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/matches.json Requests match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing body found when empty expected.json Missing body found, when an empty body was expected should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing body no content type.json Missing body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing body.json Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing index.json Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing key.json Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/non empty body found when empty expected.json Non empty body found, when an empty body was expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json Favourite colours expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/null body no content type.json NULL body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/null body.json NULL body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json Favourite colours expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json Favourite colours expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json Plain text that matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json Unexpected phone number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json Unexpected phone number with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json Empty headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/matches.json Headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json Extra headers allowed should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ method/different method.json Methods is incorrect should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ method/matches.json Methods match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ method/method is different case.json Methods case does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ path/empty path found when forward slash expected.json Empty path found when forward slash expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ path/forward slash found when empty path expected.json Foward slash found when empty path expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ path/incorrect path.json Paths do not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ path/matches.json Paths match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ path/missing trailing slash in path.json Path is missing trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ path/unexpected trailing slash in path.json Path has unexpected trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/different order.json Queries are the same but in different key order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/different params.json Queries are not the same - hippo is Fred instead of John should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/matches with equals in the query value.json Queries are equivalent should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/matches.json Queries are the same should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/missing params.json Queries are not the same - elephant is missing should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/same parameter different values.json Queries are not the same - animals are alligator, hippo versus alligator, elephant should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/same parameter multiple times in different order.json Queries are not the same - values are in different order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/same parameter multiple times.json Queries are the same - multiple values are in same order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/trailing ampersand.json Trailing amperands can be ignored should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ query/unexpected param.json Queries are not the same - elephant is not expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array at top level xml.json XML top level array matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array at top level.json top level array matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array in different order xml.json XML Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array size less than required xml.json XML Array must have at least 2 elements should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array size less than required.json Array must have at least 2 elements should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element matching by example xml.json XML Tag with at least one element match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element matching by example.json Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element not matching example type.json Wrong type for name key should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with nested array that does not match.json Nested arrays do not match, age is wrong type should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with nested array that matches.json Nested arrays match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression in element xml.json XML Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression in element.json Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression that does not match in element xml.json Types and regular expressions match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression that does not match in element.json Types and regular expressions match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/different value found at index xml.json XML Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/different value found at key xml.json XML Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/empty body no content type.json Empty body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/empty body.json Empty body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/empty found at key where not empty expected xml.json XML Name should not be empty should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with floats.json Request matches with floats should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with integers.json Request match with integers should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with regex with bracket notation xml.json XML Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with regex with bracket notation.json Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with regex xml.json XML Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with regex.json Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with type.json Requests match with same type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches xml.json XML Requests match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches.json Requests match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing body found when empty expected.json Missing body found, when an empty body was expected should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing body no content type.json Missing body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing body.json Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing index xml.json XML Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing index.json Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing key xml.json XML Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing key.json Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/no body no content type xml.json XML No body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/no body no content type.json No body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/no body xml.json XML Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/no body.json Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/non empty body found when empty expected.json Non empty body found, when an empty body was expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/not empty found at key when empty expected xml.json XML Name should be empty should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/not empty found in array when empty expected xml.json XML Favourite numbers expected to contain empty, but non-empty found should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json Favourite colours expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/null body no content type.json NULL body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/null body.json NULL body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json Favourite colours expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json Favourite colours expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json Plain text that matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with missing value xml.json XML Unexpected favourite colour with empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with non-empty value xml.json XML Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with empty value xml.json XML Unexpected phone number with empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with non-empty value xml.json XML Unexpected phone number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json Unexpected phone number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json Unexpected phone number with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/value found in array when empty expected xml.json XML Favourite numbers expected to be strings found an empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json Empty headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/matches with regex.json Headers match with regexp should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/matches.json Headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json Extra headers allowed should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ method/different method.json Methods is incorrect should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ method/matches.json Methods match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ method/method is different case.json Methods case does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ path/empty path found when forward slash expected.json Empty path found when forward slash expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ path/forward slash found when empty path expected.json Foward slash found when empty path expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ path/incorrect path.json Paths do not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ path/matches.json Paths match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ path/missing trailing slash in path.json Path is missing trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ path/unexpected trailing slash in path.json Path has unexpected trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/different order.json Queries are the same but in different key order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/different params.json Queries are not the same - hippo is Fred instead of John should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/matches with equals in the query value.json Queries are equivalent should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/matches.json Queries are the same should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/missing params.json Queries are not the same - elephant is missing should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/same parameter different values.json Queries are not the same - animals are alligator, hippo versus alligator, elephant should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/same parameter multiple times in different order.json Queries are not the same - values are in different order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/same parameter multiple times.json Queries are the same - multiple values are in same order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/trailing ampersand.json Trailing amperands can be ignored should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV2Spec ‑ query/unexpected param.json Queries are not the same - elephant is not expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array at top level xml.json - XML top level array matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array at top level.json - top level array matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array in different order xml.json - XML Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json - Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array size less than required xml.json - XML Array must have at least 2 elements should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array size less than required.json - Array must have at least 2 elements should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element matching by example xml.json - XML Tag with at least one element match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element matching by example.json - Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element not matching example type.json - Wrong type for name key should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with nested array that does not match.json - Nested arrays do not match, age is wrong type should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with nested array that matches.json - Nested arrays match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression in element xml.json - XML Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression in element.json - Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression that does not match in element xml.json - Types and regular expressions match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression that does not match in element.json - Types and regular expressions match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different value found at index xml.json - XML Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json - Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different value found at key xml.json - XML Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json - Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/empty body no content type.json - Empty body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/empty body.json - Empty body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/empty found at key where not empty expected xml.json - XML Name should not be empty should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with floats.json - Request matches with floats should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with integers.json - Request match with integers should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with regex with bracket notation xml.json - XML Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with regex with bracket notation.json - Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with regex xml.json - XML Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with regex.json - Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with type.json - Requests match with same type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches xml.json - XML Requests match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches.json - Requests match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing body found when empty expected.json - Missing body found, when an empty body was expected should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing body no content type.json - Missing body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing body.json - Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing index xml.json - XML Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing index.json - Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing key xml.json - XML Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing key.json - Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/no body no content type xml.json - XML No body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/no body no content type.json - No body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/no body xml.json - XML Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/no body.json - Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/non empty body found when empty expected.json - Non empty body found, when an empty body was expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/not empty found at key when empty expected xml.json - XML Name should be empty should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/not empty found in array when empty expected xml.json - XML Favourite numbers expected to contain empty, but non-empty found should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json - Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json - Favourite colours expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/null body no content type.json - NULL body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/null body.json - NULL body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json - Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json - Favourite colours expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json - Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json - Favourite colours expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json - Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json - Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json - Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with missing value xml.json - XML Unexpected favourite colour with empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with non-empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected phone number with empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with non-empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected phone number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json - Unexpected phone number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json - Unexpected phone number with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/value found in array when empty expected xml.json - XML Favourite numbers expected to be strings found an empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/content type parameters do not match.json - Headers don't match when the parameters are different should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json - Empty headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json - Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json - Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/matches content type with charset.json - Headers match when the actual includes additional parameters should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/matches content type with parameters in different order.json - Headers match when the content type parameters are in a different order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/matches with regex.json - Headers match with regexp should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/matches.json - Headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json - Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json - Extra headers allowed should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json - Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ method/different method.json - Methods is incorrect should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ method/matches.json - Methods match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ method/method is different case.json - Methods case does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ path/empty path found when forward slash expected.json - Empty path found when forward slash expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ path/forward slash found when empty path expected.json - Foward slash found when empty path expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ path/incorrect path.json - Paths do not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ path/matches with regex.json - Paths match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ path/matches.json - Paths match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ path/missing trailing slash in path.json - Path is missing trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ path/unexpected trailing slash in path.json - Path has unexpected trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/different order.json - Queries are the same but in different key order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/different params.json - Queries are not the same - hippo is Fred instead of John should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/matches with equals in the query value.json - Queries are equivalent should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/matches with regex.json - Queries match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/matches.json - Queries are the same should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/missing params.json - Queries are not the same - elephant is missing should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/same parameter different values.json - Queries are not the same - animals are alligator, hippo versus alligator, elephant should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/same parameter multiple times in different order.json - Queries are not the same - values are in different order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/same parameter multiple times.json - Queries are the same - multiple values are in same order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV3Spec ‑ query/unexpected param.json - Queries are not the same - elephant is not expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array at top level xml.json - XML top level array matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array at top level.json - top level array matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array in different order xml.json - XML Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json - Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array size less than required xml.json - XML Array must have at least 2 elements should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array size less than required.json - Array must have at least 2 elements should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element matching by example xml.json - XML Tag with at least one element match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element matching by example.json - Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with at least one element not matching example type.json - Wrong type for name key should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with nested array that does not match.json - Nested arrays do not match, age is wrong type should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with nested array that matches.json - Nested arrays match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression in element xml.json - XML Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression in element.json - Types and regular expressions match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression that does not match in element xml.json - Types and regular expressions match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/array with regular expression that does not match in element.json - Types and regular expressions match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/different value found at index xml.json - XML Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json - Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/different value found at key xml.json - XML Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json - Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/empty body no content type.json - Empty body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/empty body.json - Empty body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/empty found at key where not empty expected xml.json - XML Name should not be empty should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches with floats.json - Request matches with floats should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches with integers.json - Request match with integers should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches with regex with bracket notation xml.json - XML Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches with regex with bracket notation.json - Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches with regex xml.json - XML Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches with regex.json - Requests match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches with type.json - Requests match with same type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches xml.json - XML Requests match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/matches.json - Requests match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/missing body found when empty expected.json - Missing body found, when an empty body was expected should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/missing body no content type.json - Missing body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/missing body.json - Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/missing index xml.json - XML Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/missing index.json - Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/missing key xml.json - XML Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/missing key.json - Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/no body no content type xml.json - XML No body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/no body no content type.json - No body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/no body xml.json - XML Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/no body.json - Missing body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/non empty body found when empty expected.json - Non empty body found, when an empty body was expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/not empty found at key when empty expected xml.json - XML Name should be empty should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/not empty found in array when empty expected xml.json - XML Favourite numbers expected to contain empty, but non-empty found should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json - Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json - Favourite colours expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/null body no content type.json - NULL body, no content-type should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/null body.json - NULL body should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json - Name should be null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json - Favourite colours expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json - Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json - Favourite colours expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json - Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json - Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json - Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with missing value xml.json - XML Unexpected favourite colour with empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with non-empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected phone number with empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with non-empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected phone number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json - Unexpected phone number should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json - Unexpected phone number with null value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ body/value found in array when empty expected xml.json - XML Favourite numbers expected to be strings found an empty value should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/content type parameters do not match.json - Headers don't match when the parameters are different should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json - Empty headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json - Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json - Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/matches content type with charset with different case.json - Content-Type and Accept Headers match when the charset differs in case should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/matches content type with charset.json - Headers match when the actual includes additional parameters should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/matches content type with parameters in different order.json - Headers match when the content type parameters are in a different order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/matches with regex.json - Headers match with regexp should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/matches.json - Headers match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json - Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json - Extra headers allowed should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json - Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ method/different method.json - Methods is incorrect should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ method/matches.json - Methods match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ method/method is different case.json - Methods case does not matter should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ path/empty path found when forward slash expected.json - Empty path found when forward slash expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ path/forward slash found when empty path expected.json - Foward slash found when empty path expected should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ path/incorrect path.json - Paths do not match should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ path/matches with regex.json - Paths match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ path/matches.json - Paths match should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ path/missing trailing slash in path.json - Path is missing trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ path/unexpected trailing slash in path.json - Path has unexpected trailing slash, trailing slashes can matter should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/different order.json - Queries are the same but in different key order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/different params.json - Queries are not the same - hippo is Fred instead of John should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/matches with equals in the query value.json - Queries are equivalent should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/matches with regex.json - Queries match with regex should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/matches.json - Queries are the same should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/missing params.json - Queries are not the same - elephant is missing should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/same parameter different values.json - Queries are not the same - animals are alligator, hippo versus alligator, elephant should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/same parameter multiple times in different order.json - Queries are not the same - values are in different order should not match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/same parameter multiple times.json - Queries are the same - multiple values are in same order should match
specification.RequestSpecificationV4Spec ‑ query/unexpected param.json - Queries are not the same - elephant is not expected should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json - Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/deeply nested objects.json - Comparisons should work even on nested objects should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json - Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json - Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/keys out of order match.json - Favourite number and favourite colours out of order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/matches.json - Responses match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/missing index.json - Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/missing key.json - Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json - Name should be null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json - Name should not be null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json - Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/objects in array first matches.json - Properties match but unexpected element recieved should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/objects in array no matches.json - Array of objects, properties match on incorrect objects should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/objects in array second matches.json - Property of second object matches, but unexpected element recieved should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json - Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/property name is different case.json - Property names on objects are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json - Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json - Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json - Unexpected phone number should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json - Unexpected phone number with null value should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json - Empty headers match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json - Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json - Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/matches.json - Headers match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json - Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json - Extra headers allowed should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json - Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ status/different status.json - Status is incorrect should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1Spec ‑ status/matches.json - Status matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json - Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/deeply nested objects.json - Comparisons should work even on nested objects should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json - Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json - Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/empty body no content type.json - Empty body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/empty body.json - Empty body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/keys out of order match.json - Favourite number and favourite colours out of order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/matches.json - Responses match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing body found when empty expected.json - Missing body found, when an empty body was expected should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing body no content type.json - Missing body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing body.json - Missing body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing index.json - Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/missing key.json - Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/non empty body found when empty expected.json - Non empty body found, when an empty body was expected should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json - Name should be null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/null body no content type.json - NULL body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/null body.json - NULL body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json - Name should not be null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json - Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to be strings found a number should not match
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Unit Test Results
672 tests found (test 471 to 672)
There are 672 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 471 to 672.
Raw output
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/objects in array first matches.json - Properties match but unexpected element recieved should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/objects in array no matches.json - Array of objects, properties match on incorrect objects should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/objects in array second matches.json - Property of second object matches, but unexpected element recieved should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json - Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/property name is different case.json - Property names on objects are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json - Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json - Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json - Unexpected phone number should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json - Unexpected phone number with null value should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json - Empty headers match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json - Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json - Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/matches.json - Headers match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json - Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json - Extra headers allowed should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json - Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ status/different status.json - Status is incorrect should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV1_1Spec ‑ status/matches.json - Status matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/additional property with type matcher that does not match.json - additional property with type matcher wildcards that don't match should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/additional property with type matcher.json - additional property with type matcher wildcards should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array at top level with matchers xml.json - XML top level array matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array at top level with matchers.json - top level array matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array at top level xml.json - XML top level array matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array at top level.json - top level array matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array in different order xml.json - XML Favourite colours in wrong order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json - Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with regex matcher xml.json - XML array with regex matcher should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with regex matcher.json - array with regex matcher should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with type matcher mismatch xml.json - XML array with type matcher mismatch should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with type matcher mismatch.json - array with type matcher mismatch should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with type matcher xml.json - array with type matcher should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/array with type matcher.json - array with type matcher should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/deeply nested objects xml.json - XML Comparisons should work even on nested objects should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/deeply nested objects.json - Comparisons should work even on nested objects should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/different value found at index xml.json - XML Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json - Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/different value found at key xml.json - XML Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json - Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/empty body no content type.json - Empty body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/empty body.json - Empty body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/keys out of order match xml.json - XML Favourite number and favourite colours out of order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/keys out of order match.json - Favourite number and favourite colours out of order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with floats.json - Response match with floats should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with integers.json - Response match with integers should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with regex xml.json - XML Requests match with regex should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with regex.json - Requests match with regex should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches with type.json - Response match with same type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches xml.json - Responses match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/matches.json - Responses match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing body found when empty expected.json - Missing body found, when an empty body was expected should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing body no content type.json - Missing body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing body xml.json - XML Missing body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing body.json - Missing body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing index xml.json - Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing index.json - Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing key xml.json - XML Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/missing key.json - Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/no body no content type xml.json - XML No body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/no body no content type.json - No body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/non empty body found when empty expected.json - Non empty body found, when an empty body was expected should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json - Name should be null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/null body no content type.json - NULL body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/null body.json - NULL body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json - Name should not be null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json - Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array first matches xml.json - XML Properties match but unexpected element received should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array first matches.json - Properties match but unexpected element received should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array no matches xml.json - XML Array of objects, properties match on incorrect objects should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array no matches.json - Array of objects, properties match on incorrect objects should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array second matches xml.json - XML Property of second object matches, but unexpected element received should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array second matches.json - Property of second object matches, but unexpected element recieved should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array type matching xml.json - XML objects in array type matching should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array type matching.json - objects in array type matching should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array with type mismatching xml.json - XML objects in array with type mismatching should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/objects in array with type mismatching.json - objects in array with type mismatching should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json - Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/property name is different case xml.json - XML Property names on objects are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/property name is different case.json - Property names on objects are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json - Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json - Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with missing value xml.json - XML Unexpected favourite colour with missing value should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with non-empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected favourite colour should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected phone number with empty value should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with non-empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected phone number should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json - Unexpected phone number should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json - Unexpected phone number with null value should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ body/value found in array when empty expected xml.json - XML Favourite numbers expected to contain empty, but non-empty found should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json - Empty headers match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json - Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json - Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/matches with regex.json - Headers match with regex should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/matches.json - Headers match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json - Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json - Extra headers allowed should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json - Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ status/different status.json - Status is incorrect should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV2Spec ‑ status/matches.json - Status matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/additional property with type matcher that does not match.json - additional property with type matcher wildcards that don't match should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/additional property with type matcher.json - additional property with type matcher wildcards should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array at top level with matchers xml.json - XML top level array matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array at top level with matchers.json - top level array matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array at top level xml.json - XML top level array matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array at top level.json - top level array matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array in different order xml.json - XML Favourite colours in wrong order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array in different order.json - Favourite colours in wrong order should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with regex matcher xml.json - XML array with regex matcher should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with regex matcher.json - array with regex matcher should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with type matcher mismatch xml.json - XML array with type matcher mismatch should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with type matcher mismatch.json - array with type matcher mismatch should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with type matcher xml.json - array with type matcher should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/array with type matcher.json - array with type matcher should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/deeply nested objects xml.json - XML Comparisons should work even on nested objects should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/deeply nested objects.json - Comparisons should work even on nested objects should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different value found at index xml.json - XML Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different value found at index.json - Incorrect favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different value found at key xml.json - XML Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different value found at key.json - Incorrect value at alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different xml namespace prefixes.json - different XML namespace declarations/prefixes should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/different xml namespaces.json - XML namespaces do not match should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/empty body no content type.json - Empty body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/empty body.json - Empty body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/keys out of order match xml.json - XML Favourite number and favourite colours out of order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/keys out of order match.json - Favourite number and favourite colours out of order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with floats.json - Response match with floats should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with integers.json - Response match with integers should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with regex xml.json - XML Requests match with regex should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with regex.json - Requests match with regex should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches with type.json - Response match with same type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches xml.json - Responses match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/matches.json - Responses match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing body found when empty expected.json - Missing body found, when an empty body was expected should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing body no content type.json - Missing body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing body xml.json - XML Missing body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing body.json - Missing body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing index xml.json - Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing index.json - Missing favorite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing key xml.json - XML Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/missing key.json - Missing key alligator name should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/no body no content type xml.json - XML No body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/no body no content type.json - No body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/non empty body found when empty expected.json - Non empty body found, when an empty body was expected should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/not null found at key when null expected.json - Name should be null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/not null found in array when null expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to contain null, but not null found should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/null body no content type.json - NULL body, no content-type should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/null body.json - NULL body should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/null found at key where not null expected.json - Name should not be null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/null found in array when not null expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to be strings found a null should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/number found at key when string expected.json - Number of feet expected to be string but was number should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/number found in array when string expected.json - Favourite numbers expected to be strings found a number should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array first matches xml.json - XML Properties match but unexpected element received should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array first matches.json - Properties match but unexpected element received should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array no matches xml.json - XML Array of objects, properties match on incorrect objects should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array no matches.json - Array of objects, properties match on incorrect objects should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array second matches xml.json - XML Property of second object matches, but unexpected element received should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array second matches.json - Property of second object matches, but unexpected element recieved should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array type matching xml.json - XML objects in array type matching should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array type matching.json - objects in array type matching should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array with type mismatching xml.json - XML objects in array with type mismatching should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/objects in array with type mismatching.json - objects in array with type mismatching should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text empty body.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text missing body.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text regex matching missing body.json - Plain text that matches should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text regex matching that does not match.json - Plain text that matches should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text regex matching.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text that does not match.json - Plain text that does not match should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/plain text that matches.json - Plain text that matches should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/property name is different case xml.json - XML Property names on objects are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/property name is different case.json - Property names on objects are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/string found at key when number expected.json - Number of feet expected to be number but was string should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/string found in array when number expected.json - Favourite Numbers expected to be numbers, but 2 is a string should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with missing value xml.json - XML Unexpected favourite colour with missing value should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with non-empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected favourite colour should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with not null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected index with null value.json - Unexpected favourite colour with null value should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected phone number with empty value should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with non-empty value xml.json - XML Unexpected phone number should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with not null value.json - Unexpected phone number should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected key with null value.json - Unexpected phone number with null value should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/unexpected xml namespace.json - XML namespaces not expected should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ body/value found in array when empty expected xml.json - XML Favourite numbers expected to contain empty, but non-empty found should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/content type parameters do not match.json - Headers don't match when the parameters are different should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/empty headers.json - Empty headers match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/header name is different case.json - Header name is case insensitive should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/header value is different case.json - Headers values are case sensitive should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/matches content type with charset.json - Headers match when the actual includes additional parameters should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/matches content type with parameters in different order.json - Headers match when the content type parameters are in a different order should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/matches with regex.json - Headers match with regex should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/matches.json - Headers match should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/order of comma separated header values different.json - Comma separated headers out of order, order can matter should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/unexpected header found.json - Extra headers allowed should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ headers/whitespace after comma different.json - Whitespace between comma separated headers does not matter should match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ status/different status.json - Status is incorrect should not match
specification.ResponseSpecificationV3Spec ‑ status/matches.json - Status matches should match