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Resources and materials for DEF CON 2018 Packet Hunting Workshop

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Packet Mining for Privacy Leakage

Packet captures & commands for DEFCON 2018 Packet Mining Workshop:

Some packet capture traffic courtesy of &

Getting started

Install mining tools:

# apt update && apt install ngrep tcpflow xplico ssldump dsniff tshark p0f pads python-html2text

Set a variable for your capture file name:

# CAPFILE=CaptureFile.pcap

Tcpdump basics

Basic local capture:

# tcpdump -vvv -nn -i eth0 -w output.cap

Reading a capture:

# tcpdump -vvv -nn -r output.cap

Remote capture through ssh (Capture on remote host's eth0):

# ssh [email protected] 'sudo tcpdump -vUnni eth0 -w -' > output.cap

Show HTTP traffic on port 80:

# tcpdump -vvvAnn -i eth0 port 80

Show SMTP/POP3 traffic for specific host:

# tcpdump -vvvAnn -i eth0 'host and port (25 or 110)'

Save filtered traffic to a new file (Example: Save only DNS traffic to a new file):

# tcpdump -r $CAPFILE -w dns-only.cap port 53

Ngrep basics

Print live web traffic to console:

# ngrep -d eth0 -W byline -q -t port 80

Grep live network traffic for "password"

# ngrep -d eth0 -q -t -i 'password'

Grep for HTTP GET/POST requests:

# ngrep -d eth0 -W byline -q -t '^(GET|POST)' port 80

Tcpflow basics

Print ASCII packet data to console:

# tcpflow -c -s -r $CAPFILE

Extract all flows, objects, & files to output folder:

# mkdir tcpflow
# tcpflow -a -r $CAPFILE -o tcpflow/

Connection stats

Top 10 source IPs:

# tcpdump -nn -r $CAPFILE |grep " IP " | awk '{print$3}' |cut -d. -f -4 |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr |head

Top 10 destination IPs:

# tcpdump -nn -r $CAPFILE |grep " IP " | awk '{print$5}' |cut -d. -f -4 |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr |head

Top connection pairs:

# tcpdump -nn -r $CAPFILE |grep " IP " | awk '{print$3,$4,$5}' |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr |head

Top IP protocols:

# tcpdump -nn -v -r $CAPFILE |grep " IP " |awk -F, '{print$6}' |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr

Top 10 destination ports (based on SYN packets):

# tcpdump -nn -r $CAPFILE |grep " IP " |grep "Flags \[S\]" |awk '{print$5}' |cut -d. -f 5- |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr |head

DNS digging

Top domains:

# tcpdump -nn -r $CAPFILE port 53 | egrep " A\? " | awk '{print$8}' | egrep -io "[a-z0-9]*\.[a-z]*\.$" | sort | uniq -ic | sort -nr | head

Top subdomains:

# tcpdump -nn -r $CAPFILE port 53 | egrep " A\? " | awk '{print$8}' |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr |head

Private IP/MAC address leakage

Grep for private IPs in packet data:

# ngrep -q -t -W byline -I $CAPFILE '10\.([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}[0-9]{1,3}|192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}|172\.([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}[0-9]{1,3}'

Grep for MACs in packet data:

# ngrep -q -t -W byline -I $CAPFILE '([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:){5}([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])' not port 5353

Passive OS/app profiling

OS/app summary via p0f:

# p0f -r $CAPFILE |egrep "^\| (os|app)" |sort |uniq

OS/app list via PADS:

# pads -v -r $CAPFILE -w assets.csv port 80

Profiling HTTP traffic

Top 10 websites:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t '^(GET|POST)' port 80 | grep "^Host:" | sort |uniq -ic |sort -nr |head

Top 10 referrers:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t '^(GET|POST)' port 80 | egrep "^Referer: " |sort |uniq -ic | sort -nr |head

Top 10 GET requests (URLs):

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t '^(GET )' port 80 | grep "^GET " | sort |uniq -ic | sort -nr |head


# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t '^(POST )' port 80 | egrep "^POST|^<|^[a-z]"

URL log with timestamps:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t '^(GET|POST)' port 80 |egrep "^T |^(GET|POST)|^Host:|^$"

Unique cookies:

# tcpflow -r $CAPFILE -c -s port 80 | grep -v "\.\." | grep "^Set-Cookie" | sort |uniq

Unique session IDs/UUIDs:

# tcpflow -r $CAPFILE -c -s port 80 | grep -v "\.\." | egrep -i "|sessionid|session.token|SESSID|UUID|oauth|Authorization:"    ### Add some --color if needed!

User-Agent profiling:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t port 80 | egrep "^User-Agent: " |sort |uniq -ic | sort -nr

Extracting objects/files

Extract all objects/files & decode HTML:

# tcpflow -a -r $CAPFILE -o tcpflow/

Breakdown by file type:

# find tcpflow/ |egrep -o "\.[a-zA-Z]*$" |sort |uniq -ic |sort -nr

Extracting & decoding with xplico:

# xplico -m pcap -f $CAPFILE

Content profiling

Search engine queries:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t port 80 | egrep 'GET \/search\?q=' |sort |uniq

URL "keyword" strings:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t '^(GET|POST)' port 80 | egrep "^GET |^POST |^Referer: " | egrep -o "[a-z-]*" | egrep "[a-z-]*-[a-z-]*-" | egrep -v "(^-|-$)" |sort | uniq -ic |sort -nr |head

Top words from HTML content:

# cat tcpflow/*.html |html2text | egrep -o '\w{4,}' |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr |head -n25

Personal contact info

Email addresses with common TLDs:

# tcpflow -r $CAPFILE  -c -s | egrep -i --color '\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.(com|org|net|gov|mil|edu|co|biz|info)'

Email addresses with any TLD (more false positives):

# tcpflow -r $CAPFILE  -c -s | egrep -i --color '\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}'

"Dashed" phone numbers:

# tcpflow -r "$CAPFILE" -c -s port 80 | grep --color -P "\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}"

Dashed or dotted phone numbers (more false positives):

# tcpflow -r "$CAPFILE" -c -s port 80 | grep --color -P "\d{3}[-.]\d{3}[-.]\d{4}"

Email traffic

Email senders, recipients, & email subjects:

# ngrep -q -t -W byline -I $CAPFILE port 25 or port 110 |egrep "^To:|^From:|^Subject"

Email client apps & AV scanners:

# tcpflow -c -s -r $CAPFILE port 25 or port 110 |egrep -A1 "^User-Agent:|X-Antivirus" |sort -u

Extract emails to console:

# tcpflow -c -s -r $CAPFILE port 25 or port 110

Extract emails to disk:

# tcpflow -a -r $CAPFILE port 25 or port 110  -o tcpflow/

Extracting email attachments:

# tcpflow -C -0 -r $CAPFILE port 25 or port 110
# cat base64.txt | base64 -d >
# file   ### Verify file is correct type

Password hunting

FTP, Telnet, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, etc:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t | egrep --color "[Pp]assword[=:]|&[Pp]ass=|[Ss]ecret=|pwd=|^PASS|^USER |^AUTH |login:|^Authorization:"

Decoding HTTP Basic auth, SMTP, POP3 (base64):

# echo 'QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l'  | base64 -d

Finding SNMP community strings:

# tcpdump -A -nn -r $CAPFILE port 161

Digging for PII & confidential data

Credit card numbers:

# tcpflow -c -s -r $CAPFILE | grep -P --color '(6011|5[1-5]\d{2}|4\d{3}|3\d{3})[- ]\d{4}[- ]\d{4}[- ]\d{4}'

Social security numbers:

tcpflow -c -s -r $CAPFILE | grep -P --color '[ ^]([0-6]\d\d|7[0-256]\d|73[0-3]|77[0-2])[- ]\d{2}[- ]\d{4}'

DOB/License/Passport numbers:

# tcpflow -c -s -r $CAPFILE | grep -v Cookie |egrep --color 'DOB[:= ]|[Pp]assport[:= ]|[Ll]icense number'

Classified/tagged documents:

# tcpflow -c -s -r $CAPFILE | grep -v Cookie |egrep --color -i 'CONFIDENTIAL|PROTECTED|INTERNAL USE ONLY|TOP SECRET|CLASSIFIED'

Parsing SMB/CIFS traffic

SMB users, domains, & password hashes:

# tshark -nn -r $CAPFILE -V -Y tcp.port==445 |egrep "Lan Manager Response|NTLM Response|NTLMv2 Response|Domain name|User name|Host name"

SMB share & file access timeline:

# tshark -nn -r $CAPFILE -V -Y tcp.port==445 |egrep "Arrival Time: |Tree Id: |\[Account: |\[Domain: |\[Host: |NT Status: |Command: |GUID handle File: "

Carving files out of SMB traffic:

# tshark -nn -r $CAPFILE -q --export-objects smb,tmpfolder

Parsing SQL traffic

MySQL password hashes, queries, & responses:

# tshark -nn -r $CAPFILE -V -Y tcp.port==3306 | egrep 'Username:|Password:|Statement:|text:'

MSSQL queries & responses:

# tshark -nn -r $CAPFILE -V -Y tcp.port==1433 | egrep "Query:|Data:|Data \[truncated\]:"

Hardware/mobile device profiling

Device info via HTTP:

# ngrep -I "$CAPFILE" -W byline -q -t port 80 | egrep --color "device_name=|device_type=|os_version=|dev=|X-Device-Info:|Device:|DEVICE:|deviceId=|deviceModel="

Device info via mDNS:

# tshark -nn -r $CAPFILE -V -Y udp.port==5353 |egrep "Name: |product=|model=" |sort |uniq |egrep -v "Domain Name:|Name: _"

Windows error reporting: Hardware vendor, model, BIOS/firmware versions, running processes, exe/dll versions, & connected USB devices:

# ngrep -I "$CAPFILE" -W byline -q -t '^(GET|POST)' port 80 |egrep "^T |^GET|^Host:" |egrep -B2 "$"

Cell carrier codes:

# ngrep -I "$CAPFILE" -W byline -q -t port 80 | egrep --color "mcc=|mnc=|csc=|mccmnc"

Apple plist files: extract with tcpflow, decode with plistutil:

# grep "plist version" tcpflow/*
# apt install libplist-utils
# plistutil -i <plistfile>

Location tracking data

Via Apple default weather app, Wunderground, etc:

# ngrep -I "$CAPFILE" -W byline -q -t '^(GET|POST|HTTP/)' port 80 |egrep "%2Clatitude%2|maxlat=|latitude=|latlon"

Via Windows default weather app:

# ngrep -I "$CAPFILE" -W byline -q -t '' port 80 |egrep --color "DisplayName="

Mobile apps

Android apps, versions, usage, etc:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t '^(GET )' port 80 | egrep "^GET |^Host:" |grep --color -A1 "ap_an="

Android app traffic (via Dalvik agent):

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t 'User-Agent: Dalvik' port 80

Apple apps/store traffic:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t port 80 | egrep -B1 "bundleId=|dpkg.ipa|^[Xx]-[Aa]pple"

iTunes audio downloads:

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -W byline -q -t port 80 | egrep -B6 "User-Agent: AppleCoreMedia"

Kindle app traffic ("key=" indicates ASIN of each ebook)

# ngrep -q -t -I $CAPFILE -W byline | grep --color 'type="EBOK" key='

Prime video streaming file downloads:

# ngrep -q -t -I $CAPFILE -W byline | grep -B6 'Prime%20Video'

Inspecting SSL traffic

Extract SSL certificates with tcpflow:

# tcpflow -a -r $CAPFILE -o tcpflow/ port 443

Extract SSL websites via Server Name Indication (SNI):

# ngrep -I $CAPFILE -q -t -W byline port 443 |egrep -o "[a-z0-9]*\.[a-z0-9]*\.(com|org|net|gov|mil|edu|co|biz|info)" |sort -u

Sessions using weak cipher suites:

# ssldump -n -r $CAPFILE | grep "cipherSuite" | egrep -i "RC4|MD5|EXP|NULL|_DES|ANON|64"

Sessions using weak SSL protocol versions:

# ssldump -n -r $CAPFILE | grep Version |sort -u

Decrypting SSL traffic using a known private key:

# tshark -r SSL-decryption.pcap -q -o "ssl.keys_list:,443,http,server.pem" -z "follow,ssl,ascii,2"


Resources and materials for DEF CON 2018 Packet Hunting Workshop






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