Simple app to time your Rubik's Cube solves
This app is cross-platform as it's created with HTML+CSS+JS and it's packaged on Electron, a tool to create apps from webapps, so you can use it as a native app on your desktop.
- Try it online
- Download desktop apps
Make sure you have the dependencies installed (instructions are found in each page, but this is how you do it on OS X):
npm install electron-packager -g npm install electron-builder -g # windows builds on mac brew install wine makensis # asks for XQuartz install
Use the MAKEFILE to build the executable for all platforms:
make all
:- creates all builds inside
- creates apps for mac and win inside
- creates all builds inside
- Specific arquitectures:
make osx
make win
make linux32
make linux64
make linux
Request new features! Open an issue or join the chat.
Are you a developer or a designer? Fork it and make a pull request!
Or simply show me some love ;)
(MIT License)
Also credits to:
Older versions included:
- Electron SuperKit for building and packaging