Checks an url raise an alert if some problem is found. Uses curl with all its power, so you can extend your check with all curl options.
sudo pip3 install curlnagios --upgrade
Also is possible to use:
sudo python3 -m pip install curlnagios --upgrade
On windows with python3.5:
pip install curlnagios --upgrade
For proxies add:
Use the command line:
> curlnagios --help usage: curlnagios [-h] [-u [URL]] [-e [EXTRA_ARGS]] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u [URL], --url [URL] url to check -e [EXTRA_ARGS], --extra_args [EXTRA_ARGS] extra args to add to curl, see `curl manpage <>`_.
Example use with proxy:
> curlnagios --url='http://xx/dd' --extra_args='--proxy http://user:pass@host:8080'
Example using proxy, and authentication with ntlm for the website:
> curlnagios --url='http://xx/dd' --extra_args='--proxy http://user:pass@host:8080 --user user:pass --ntlm'
All the extra_args are options directly comming from curl manpage, you can use almost any with exception of -s, -o, -w as these are implicit added on the curl command line argument to format the output for this plugin.
When creating authentication with AzureAD oauth2, you need to create a client Application and Azure AD only applications:
Then use:
> curlnagios --url 'https://{yoururltotest}/api/path' --client_id 'unique-client-id' --scope 'https://{tenant}/unique-id-here-for-the-app/.default' --client_secret 'theclientoken' --grant_type 'client_credentials' --auth_url '{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token' --oauth2
Change {tenant} with your identifier and the unique id for client and for application. Add your client secret
This comes from documentation using token:
Example command:
define command{ command_name check_http_curl command_line /usr/local/bin/curlnagios --url='$ARG1$' --extra_args='$ARG2$' } define command{ command_name check_http_curl_azuread command_line /usr/local/bin/curlnagios --url='$ARG1$' --client_id '$ARG2$' --scope '$ARG3$' --client_secret '$ARG4$' --auth_url '$ARG5$/oauth2/v2.0/token' --oauth2 --extra_args='$ARG6$' }
Example service:
define service { host_name SERVERX service_description service_name check_command check_http_curl!http://url/path!--proxy http://user:name@host:8080 --user user:name --ntlm use generic-service notes some useful notes }
Example service bypassing reverse proxy and dns and proxy server:
define service { host_name SERVERY service_description fqdn.backend1 check_command check_http_curl!!--noproxy "" -H "Host:" use generic-service notes Monitoring backend1 de of site } ## In this way you can connect to some backend and pass with -H the host header to get and also ensure no proxy used to connect to url.
Example using azuread oauth2:
define service { host_name SERVERY service_description fqdn.backend1 check_command check_http_curl_azuread!!client-unique-id!https://{tenant}/unique-id-here-for-the-app/.default!client-secret-unique!tenant!some extra args if desired use generic-service notes Monitoring backend1 de of site }
You can use ansible role that already has the installation and command:
- Use hash passwords
- Add Unit tests?