GNSS Multipath Analysis Software v1.5.0
- Enhanced Satellite Interpolation Algorithm: Significant improvements to the interpolation algorithm for precise satellite coordinates (SP3), ensuring higher accuracy.
- Changed from
Barycentric Lagrange interpolation
to usingNeville's algorithm
for interpolation.
- Changed from
- Improved SP3 File Reading: Enhanced the SP3 file reading routine to support returning data as a pandas DataFrame for easier manipulation and analysis.
- New Python class for Receiver Position Estimation: Added functionality to estimate approximate receiver coordinates using pseudoranges from the RINEX observation file (related to this feature request).
- BeiDou Satellite Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where the software failed when BeiDou had more than 60 satellites this issue
- Minor Bug Fixes: Addressed several smaller bugs to improve overall stability and performance.
- Code Refactoring: Refactored code for better readability, maintainability, and efficiency.
- Updated Documentation and Examples: Improved documentation and provided updated examples to guide users on how to effectively use the software.