This repository is outdated please use Sixdsn's fork at (
Terra is GTK+3.0 based terminal emulator with useful user interface, it also supports multiple terminals with splitting screen horizontally or vertically. New features will be added soon. It's very new and experimental project. I'ts written in python with python-gobject, If you want to contribute just checkout and try. I really appreciate the bug reports.
- Project homepage:
Ubuntu 12.04 / 12.10 / 13.04
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ozcanesen/terra-terminal
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install terra
Archlinux (AUR) (package created by willemw)
Gentoo (package created by Julian Ospald (hasufell))
HecticGeek: Link
Ubuntu-TR (Turkish): Link
Ubuntu-TR Sudo E-Magazine (Turkish): pdf
ILoveUbuntu: Link Link-2 Link-3 Link-4
OsArena (Greek): Link