HISBI - How It Should Be Implemented
patches - contains patch for redux-axios-middleware This patch provide this package with ability to obtain appropriate middleware node from store for all Bitcoin-like blockchains (BTC, LTC, NEM, DASH in the future) by special action with the following structure:
{ type: 'REQ/BITCOIN/REQUEST....', blockchain: 'Bitcoin', payload: { ... } }
If no
property, then client must be specified manually. -
Blockchains-related workspaces:
- packages/ethereum
- packages/bitcoin
- packages/bitcoincash
- packages/litecoin
- packages/nem
- packages/waves
- packages/ethereum
Hardware keys support:
- packages/trezor - middleware, interaction with hardware Trezor wallet (device events listener and API JS calls)
- packages/ledger - middleware, interaction with hardware Ledger wallet (device events listener and API JS calls)
Networking (web3, http api, websockets):
- packages/nodes - network switching and keep inff anout currently selected nodes (betowrk ID, blockchain-related host etc.)
- packages/nodes/api - contains dispatchable thunks to interact with clients (below)
- packages/nodes/clients - contains axios.clients with all HTTP/S URLs
- packages/nodes/redux/middlewares/axios - init of redux-axios-middleware
- packages/nodes/redux/middlewares/rabbitmq - middleware, WS to RabbitMQ host (WS/Stomp)
- packages/nodes/redux/middlewares/web3 - middleware, Web3 WS connect to Ethereum nodes
Create account and login:
- packages/auth
Market (CryptoCompare):
- packages/market
Common things:
- packages/core
src/index.js - main entry file
src/store - configre/create store, combine all reducers, persist, middlewares' initializations.
/config - WebPack's config and valid self-signed keys for https://localhost:3000 Also works with WEbPack development server with no
[WDS] Disconnected
yarn start
Development mode only. No production mode.
- To modify persis configs (outbound) to persist only derived and hardware wallets.
- To implement universal (dynamic reducers?) API for methods getAssress/signTransaction etc. Idea is to set approptiate actions right after login only once based on selected account's type: if 'Memory' methods from packages/%blockchain_name% will be used, if 'Ledger' or 'Trezor' - hardware wallets will be used via appropriate middleware
- To implement hardware wallets detection: e.g. Trezor account must be not selectable by user if no USB device attached.
- To implement save/load of user profile (HTTPS call appropriate backend and keep some not persist data in redux store)
- To implement WS connection and subscription manager for RabbitMQ server (as it was done in packages/market/middleware). To use socket.io-client instead of SockJS (need to control reconnect and resubscribe)