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DeepDiver1975 committed Jul 30, 2020
1 parent 81842aa commit a97bdb9
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion l10n/translations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"cs":{"Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informace o účtu","Display name:":"Zobrazované jméno:","Email:":"Email:","Groups membership:":"Členem skupin:","Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","No email has been set up":"Žádná emailová adresa nebyla nastavena","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Stiskněte prosím tlačítko dole pro udělení oprávnění a zpřístupněte tak svá data.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Prosím vydržte chvíli. Probíhá přesměrování.","Redirecting":"Přesměrování","Search":"Hledat","Search failed":"Hledání selhalo","Username:":"Uživatelské jméno:","You are not part of any group":"Nejste členem žádné skupiny"},"de":{"<strong>Attention:</strong> this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"<strong>Achtung:</strong> Damit werden Sie von allen Anwendungen, die Sie mit Ihrem aktuellen Benutzer in diesem Browser ausführen, abgemeldet.","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Kontoinformationen","Authentication failed":"Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen","Display name:":"Anzeigename","documentation":"Dokumentation","Download failed":"Fehler beim Herunterladen","Email:":"E-Mail:","For help visit our":"Für Hilfe besuche unsere","Groups membership:":"Grupppenzugehörigkeiten:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.":"Wenn Sie sich mit einem anderen Benutzer anmelden möchten, gehen Sie bitte zu <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.","Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Log out":"Abmelden","Login":"Login","Login Error":"Fehler beim Login","Manage your account":"Verwalten Sie Ihr Benutzerkonto","Missing config":"Fehlende Konfiguration","No email has been set up":"Es wurde noch keine E-Mail eingerichtet","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass config.json existiert.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um sich zu authentifizieren und auf Ihre Daten zuzugreifen.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator, wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin besteht.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Falls diese Meldung fehlerhaft erscheint bitte die Systemverwaltung kontaktieren.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Bitte einen Moment Geduld. Sie werden weitergeleitet.","Redirecting":"Weiterleiten","Search":"Suchen","Search failed":"Die Suche ist fehlgeschlagen","this":"dies","Username:":"Benutzername:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Willkommen zu %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Keine Berechtigung zur Benutzung dieser Applikation.","You are not part of any group":" Sie gehören keiner Gruppe an."},"es":{"<strong>Attention:</strong> this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"<strong>Atención:</strong> esto cerrará la sesión de todas las aplicaciones que está ejecutando en\neste navegador con el usuario actual.","Account":"Cuenta","Account Information":"Información de cuenta","Authentication failed":"Fallo de autenticación","Display name:":"Nombre a mostrar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Descarga fallida","Email:":"Correo electrónico:","For help visit our":"Para ayuda visite nuestra","Groups membership:":"Membresía grupal:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.":"Si deseas entrar con un nombre de usuario distinto por favor procede a <a id=\"exitAnchor\">salir</a>.","Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","Log out":"Salir","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Login Error":"Error de inicio de sesión","Manage your account":"Administra tu cuenta","Missing config":"Falta la configuración","No email has been set up":"No se ha establecido ningún correo electrónico","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Por favor, compruebe si existe el archivo config.json.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Pulse el botón para autenticarse y ganar acceso a sus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contacta con el administrador si el error persiste","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póngase en contacto con su administrador si cree que este mensaje aparece por error.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Por favor espere. Lo estamos redireccionando.","Redirecting":"Redireccionando","Search":"Buscar","Search failed":"Falló la búsqueda","this":"esto","Username:":"Usuario:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenido a %{productName} ","You are not allowed to use this application.":"No se le permite usar esta aplicación.","You are not part of any group":"No eres parte de ningún grupo"},"fr":{"Account":"Compte","Account Information":"Informations de compte","Authentication failed":"Error d'authentification","Display name:":"Nom affiché :","documentation":"documentation","Download failed":"Echec de téléchargement","Email:":"E-mail :","Groups membership:":"Appartenance aux groupes :","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.":"Pour vous connecter avec un utilisateur différent, veuillez procéder à la <a id=\"exitAnchor\">sortie</a>.","Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Login":"Se connecter","Login Error":"Erreur de connection","Manage your account":"Modifier votre compte","Missing config":"Configuration manquante","No email has been set up":"Pas d'adresse e-mail configurée","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Veuillez vérifier que le fichier config.json existe.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Veuillez cliquer le button ci-dessous pour vous authentifier et obtenir accès à vos données.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si cette erreur persiste.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si vous pensez que ce message apparaît par erreur.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Veuillez patienter. Redirection en cours.","Redirecting":"Redirection en cours","Search":"Recherche","Search failed":"Échec de la recherche","Username:":"Nom d'utilisateur :","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenue sur %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser cette application.","You are not part of any group":"Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe"},"gl":{"<strong>Attention:</strong> this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"<strong>Atención:</strong> isto desconectarase de todas as aplicacións que estean\n a executarse neste navegador co seu usuario actual.","Account":"Conta","Account Information":"Información da conta","Authentication failed":"Produciuse un fallo de autenticación","Display name:":"Nome para amosar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Produciuse un fallo na descarga","Email:":"Correo-e:","For help visit our":"Para obter axuda visite o noso","Groups membership:":"Pertenza a grupos:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.":"Se quere iniciar sesión cun usuario diferente, proceda a <a id=\"exitAnchor\">saír</a>.","item":"elemento","Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","Log out":"Saír","Login":"Acceso","Login Error":"Produciuse un erro de acceso","Manage your account":"Administrar a súa conta","Missing config":"Falta a configuración","No email has been set up":"Non se configurou ningún correo-e","Open search bar":"Abrir a barra de busca","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Comprobe se existe o ficheiro config.json.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Prema no botón de embaixo para autenticarse e obter acceso aos seus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se persiste o erro.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se cre que esta mensaxe aparece por erro.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Agarde un chisco. Está a ser redirixido.","Redirecting":"Redirixindo","Search":"Buscar","Search failed":"Produciuse un fallo na busca","this":"este","Username:":"Nome de usuario:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Benvido a %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Non ten permiso para empregar esta aplicación","You are not part of any group":"Vostede non forma parte de ningún grupo"},"it":{}}
{"cs":{"Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informace o účtu","Display name:":"Zobrazované jméno:","Email:":"Email:","Groups membership:":"Členem skupin:","Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","No email has been set up":"Žádná emailová adresa nebyla nastavena","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Stiskněte prosím tlačítko dole pro udělení oprávnění a zpřístupněte tak svá data.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Prosím vydržte chvíli. Probíhá přesměrování.","Redirecting":"Přesměrování","Search":"Hledat","Search failed":"Hledání selhalo","Username:":"Uživatelské jméno:","You are not part of any group":"Nejste členem žádné skupiny"},"de":{"<strong>Attention:</strong> this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"<strong>Achtung:</strong> Damit werden Sie von allen Anwendungen, die Sie mit Ihrem aktuellen Benutzer in diesem Browser ausführen, abgemeldet.","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Kontoinformationen","Authentication failed":"Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen","Display name:":"Anzeigename","documentation":"Dokumentation","Download failed":"Fehler beim Herunterladen","Email:":"E-Mail:","For help visit our":"Für Hilfe besuche unsere","Groups membership:":"Grupppenzugehörigkeiten:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.":"Wenn Sie sich mit einem anderen Benutzer anmelden möchten, gehen Sie bitte zu <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.","Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Log out":"Abmelden","Login":"Login","Login Error":"Fehler beim Login","Manage your account":"Verwalten Sie Ihr Benutzerkonto","Missing config":"Fehlende Konfiguration","No email has been set up":"Es wurde noch keine E-Mail eingerichtet","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass config.json existiert.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um sich zu authentifizieren und auf Ihre Daten zuzugreifen.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator, wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin besteht.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Falls diese Meldung fehlerhaft erscheint bitte die Systemverwaltung kontaktieren.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Bitte einen Moment Geduld. Sie werden weitergeleitet.","Redirecting":"Weiterleiten","Search":"Suchen","Search failed":"Die Suche ist fehlgeschlagen","this":"dies","Username:":"Benutzername:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Willkommen zu %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Keine Berechtigung zur Benutzung dieser Applikation.","You are not part of any group":" Sie gehören keiner Gruppe an."},"es":{"<strong>Attention:</strong> this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"<strong>Atención:</strong> esto cerrará la sesión de todas las aplicaciones que está ejecutando en\neste navegador con el usuario actual.","Account":"Cuenta","Account Information":"Información de cuenta","Authentication failed":"Fallo de autenticación","Display name:":"Nombre a mostrar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Descarga fallida","Email:":"Correo electrónico:","For help visit our":"Para ayuda visite nuestra","Groups membership:":"Membresía grupal:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.":"Si deseas entrar con un nombre de usuario distinto por favor procede a <a id=\"exitAnchor\">salir</a>.","Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","Log out":"Salir","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Login Error":"Error de inicio de sesión","Manage your account":"Administra tu cuenta","Missing config":"Falta la configuración","No email has been set up":"No se ha establecido ningún correo electrónico","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Por favor, compruebe si existe el archivo config.json.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Pulse el botón para autenticarse y ganar acceso a sus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contacta con el administrador si el error persiste","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póngase en contacto con su administrador si cree que este mensaje aparece por error.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Por favor espere. Lo estamos redireccionando.","Redirecting":"Redireccionando","Search":"Buscar","Search failed":"Falló la búsqueda","this":"esto","Username:":"Usuario:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenido a %{productName} ","You are not allowed to use this application.":"No se le permite usar esta aplicación.","You are not part of any group":"No eres parte de ningún grupo"},"fr":{"Account":"Compte","Account Information":"Informations de compte","Authentication failed":"Error d'authentification","Display name:":"Nom affiché :","documentation":"documentation","Download failed":"Echec de téléchargement","Email:":"E-mail :","Groups membership:":"Appartenance aux groupes :","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.":"Pour vous connecter avec un utilisateur différent, veuillez procéder à la <a id=\"exitAnchor\">sortie</a>.","Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Login":"Se connecter","Login Error":"Erreur de connection","Manage your account":"Modifier votre compte","Missing config":"Configuration manquante","No email has been set up":"Pas d'adresse e-mail configurée","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Veuillez vérifier que le fichier config.json existe.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Veuillez cliquer le button ci-dessous pour vous authentifier et obtenir accès à vos données.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si cette erreur persiste.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si vous pensez que ce message apparaît par erreur.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Veuillez patienter. Redirection en cours.","Redirecting":"Redirection en cours","Search":"Recherche","Search failed":"Échec de la recherche","Username:":"Nom d'utilisateur :","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenue sur %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser cette application.","You are not part of any group":"Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe"},"gl":{"<strong>Attention:</strong> this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"<strong>Atención:</strong> isto desconectarase de todas as aplicacións que estean\n a executarse neste navegador co seu usuario actual.","Account":"Conta","Account Information":"Información da conta","Authentication failed":"Produciuse un fallo de autenticación","Display name:":"Nome para amosar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Produciuse un fallo na descarga","Email:":"Correo-e:","File could not be located":"Non foi posíbel localizar o ficheiro","For help visit our":"Para obter axuda visite o noso","Groups membership:":"Pertenza a grupos:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to <a id=\"exitAnchor\">exit</a>.":"Se quere iniciar sesión cun usuario diferente, proceda a <a id=\"exitAnchor\">saír</a>.","item":"elemento","Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","Log out":"Saír","Login":"Acceso","Login Error":"Produciuse un erro de acceso","Manage your account":"Administrar a súa conta","Missing config":"Falta a configuración","No email has been set up":"Non se configurou ningún correo-e","Open search bar":"Abrir a barra de busca","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Comprobe se existe o ficheiro config.json.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Prema no botón de embaixo para autenticarse e obter acceso aos seus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se persiste o erro.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se cre que esta mensaxe aparece por erro.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Agarde un chisco. Está a ser redirixido.","Redirecting":"Redirixindo","Search":"Buscar","Search failed":"Produciuse un fallo na busca","this":"este","Username:":"Nome de usuario:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Benvido a %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Non ten permiso para empregar esta aplicación","You are not part of any group":"Vostede non forma parte de ningún grupo"},"it":{}}

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