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Refactor share name according to WEBUI
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amrita-shrestha committed May 30, 2023
1 parent 5442d2d commit a775345
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Showing 22 changed files with 111 additions and 91 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ Feature: Kindergarten can use web to organize a day
# Implementation of sharing with different roles is currently broken
# since we switched to bulk creating of shares with a single dropdown
And "Alice" shares the following resources using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| groups/Pre-Schools Pirates/meal plan | Brian | user | editor |
| groups/Pre-Schools Pirates/meal plan | Carol | user | viewer |
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| groups/Pre-Schools Pirates/meal plan | Brian | user | Can edit |
| groups/Pre-Schools Pirates/meal plan | Carol | user | Can view |
# Then what do we check for to be confident that the above things done by Alice have worked?
When "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" opens the "files" app
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Feature: Kindergarten can use web to organize a day
# Implementation of sharing with different roles is currently broken
# since we switched to bulk creating of shares with a single dropdown
And "Alice" shares the following resources using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| groups/Pre-Schools Pirates/meal plan | Brian | user | editor |
| groups/Pre-Schools Pirates/meal plan | Carol | user | viewer |
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| groups/Pre-Schools Pirates/meal plan | Brian | user | Can edit |
| groups/Pre-Schools Pirates/meal plan | Carol | user | Can view |
# Then what do we check for to be confident that the above things done by Alice have worked?
When "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" opens the "files" app
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,20 +105,20 @@ Feature: spaces management
| name | id |
| team A | team.a |
And "Admin" adds the following members to the space "team A" using API
| user | role | shareType |
| Brian | editor | space |
| Carol | viewer | space |
| David | viewer | space |
| Edith | viewer | space |
| user | role | shareType |
| Brian | Can edit | space |
| Carol | Can view | space |
| David | Can view | space |
| Edith | Can view | space |
When "Alice" logs in
And "Alice" opens the "admin-settings" app
And "Alice" navigates to the project spaces management page
When "Alice" lists the members of project space "team.a" using a sidebar panel
Then "Alice" should see the following users in the sidebar panel of spaces admin settings
| user | role |
| Admin | manager |
| Brian | editor |
| Carol | viewer |
| David | viewer |
| Edith | viewer |
| user | role |
| Admin | Can manage |
| Brian | Can edit |
| Carol | Can view |
| David | Can view |
| Edith | Can view |
And "Alice" logs out
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/internalLink.ocis.feature
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Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ Feature: internal link share
| name |
| myfolder |
And "Alice" shares the following resource using API
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| myfolder | Brian | user | editor |
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| myfolder | Brian | user | Can edit |
And "Alice" opens the "files" app
And "Alice" creates a public link for the resource "myfolder" using the sidebar panel
When "Alice" edits the public link named "Link" of resource "myfolder" changing role to "internal"
When "Alice" edits the public link named "Link" of resource "myfolder" changing role to "Invited people"
And "Brian" opens the public link "Link"
And "Brian" logs in from the internal link
And "Brian" opens shared-with-me page from the internal link
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/link.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Feature: link
| lorem.txt | folderPublic |
And "Alice" creates a public link for the resource "folderPublic" using the sidebar panel
And "Alice" renames the most recently created public link of resource "folderPublic" to "myPublicLink"
And "Alice" edits the public link named "myPublicLink" of resource "folderPublic" changing role to "uploader"
And "Alice" edits the public link named "myPublicLink" of resource "folderPublic" changing role to "Secret File Drop"
And "Alice" sets the expiration date of the public link named "myPublicLink" of resource "folderPublic" to "+5 days"
And "Alice" sets the password of the public link named "myPublicLink" of resource "folderPublic" to "12345"
When "Anonymous" opens the public link "myPublicLink"
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Feature: link
| resource | from | type |
| lorem.txt | folderPublic | file |
| textfile.txt | folderPublic | file |
And "Alice" edits the public link named "myPublicLink" of resource "folderPublic" changing role to "editor"
And "Alice" edits the public link named "myPublicLink" of resource "folderPublic" changing role to "Can edit"
And "Anonymous" refreshes the old link
And "Anonymous" downloads the following public link resources using the sidebar panel
| resource | type |
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/notifications.oc10.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Feature: Notifications
As a user
I want to be notified
About new things that concern me
So that I can stay updated about the information

Given "Admin" creates following users using API
Expand All @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Feature: Notifications
And "Alice" logs in
And "Alice" opens the "files" app
And "Alice" shares the following resource using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | editor | folder |
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | Can edit | folder |
When "Brian" logs in
Then "Brian" should see the following notifications
| message |
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/notifications.ocis.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Feature: Notifications
As a user
I want to be notified
About new things that concern me
So that I can stay updated about the information

Scenario: User should be able to read and dismiss notifications
Given "Admin" creates following users using API
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ Feature: Notifications
| team | team.1 |
And "Alice" opens the "files" app
When "Alice" shares the following resource using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | editor | folder |
| share_to_group | sales | group | editor | folder |
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | Can edit | folder |
| share_to_group | sales | group | Can edit | folder |
And "Brian" logs in
Then "Brian" should see the following notifications
| message |
Expand All @@ -44,23 +44,23 @@ Feature: Notifications
And "Alice" navigates to the projects space page
And "Alice" navigates to the project space "team.1"
And "Alice" adds following users to the project space
| user | role | kind |
| Brian | editor | user |
| Carol | editor | user |
| user | role | kind |
| Brian | Can edit | user |
| Carol | Can edit | user |
Then "Alice" should see no notifications
And "Brian" should see the following notifications
| message |
| Alice Hansen unshared folder_to_shared with you |
| Alice Hansen added you to Space team |
And "Brian" marks all notifications as read
When "Alice" removes access to following users from the project space
| user | role | kind |
| Carol | editor | user |
| user | role | kind |
| Carol | Can edit | user |
And "Carol" logs in
Then "Carol" should see the following notifications
| message |
| Alice Hansen added you to Space team |
| Alice Hansen removed you from Space team |
| Alice Hansen removed you from Space team |
And "Carol" logs out
When "Alice" opens the "admin-settings" app
And "Alice" navigates to the project spaces management page
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/reshare.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ Feature: reshare
| name |
| folder_to_shared |
And "Alice" shares the following resource using API
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | editor |
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | Can edit |
And "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" accepts the following share using API
| name |
Expand All @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ Feature: reshare
And "Brian" opens the "files" app
And "Brian" navigates to the shared with me page
And "Brian" reshares the following resource
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | sales | group | viewer | folder |
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | sales | group | Can view | folder |

And "Carol" logs in
And "Carol" opens the "files" app
Expand All @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ Feature: reshare
| name |
| folder_to_shared |
And "Carol" reshares the following resource
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Alice | user | viewer | folder |
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Alice | user | Can view | folder |

And "Alice" opens the "files" app
And "Alice" navigates to the personal space page
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/search.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Feature: Search
| filesForUpload/new-lorem-big.txt | new-lorem-big.txt |
And "Brian" opens the "files" app
And "Brian" shares the following resource using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| new_share_from_brian | Alice | user | viewer | folder |
| new-lorem-big.txt | Alice | user | viewer | file |
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| new_share_from_brian | Alice | user | Can view | folder |
| new-lorem-big.txt | Alice | user | Can view | file |
And "Brian" logs out

When "Alice" logs in
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/share.oc10.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Feature: share
| lorem-big.txt | folder_to_customShared |
When "Alice" shares the following resource using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | editor | folder |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | Can edit | folder |
| folder_to_customShared | Brian | user | custom_permissions:read,create,delete | folder |
And "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" opens the "files" app
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Feature: share
| lorem.txt | |
And "Alice" shares the following resource using the quick action
| resource | recipient | type | role |
| folder_to_shared/testavatar.jpeg | Brian | user | viewer |
| folder_to_shared/testavatar.jpeg | Brian | user | Can view |
| lorem.txt | Brian | user | custom_permissions:read,update,share |
And "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" opens the "files" app
Expand All @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ Feature: share
| resource | from | type |
| testavatar.jpeg | Shares | file |
And "Alice" updates following sharee role
| resource | recipient | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared/testavatar.jpeg | Brian | editor | file |
| resource | recipient | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared/testavatar.jpeg | Brian | Can edit | file |
And "Brian" renames the following resource
| resource | as |
| Shares/testavatar.jpeg | testavatar_new.jpeg |
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/share.ocis.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ Feature: share
| lorem-big.txt | folder_to_customShared |
When "Alice" shares the following resource using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | editor | folder |
| shared_folder | Brian | user | editor | folder |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | Can edit | folder |
| shared_folder | Brian | user | Can edit | folder |
| folder_to_customShared | Brian | user | custom_permissions:read,create,delete | folder |
And "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" opens the "files" app
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ Feature: share
| simple.pdf |
When "Alice" shares the following resource using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| shareToBrian.txt | Brian | user | editor | file |
| | Brian | user | editor | file |
| testavatar.jpeg | Brian | user | viewer | file |
| shareToBrian.txt | Brian | user | Can edit | file |
| | Brian | user | Can edit | file |
| testavatar.jpeg | Brian | user | Can view | file |
| simple.pdf | Brian | user | custom_permissions:read,update,share | file |
| sharedFile.txt | Brian | user | editor | file |
| sharedFile.txt | Brian | user | Can edit | file |
And "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" opens the "files" app
And "Brian" navigates to the shared with me page
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ Feature: internal link share in project space
And "Alice" navigates to the projects space page
And "Alice" navigates to the project space "marketing.1"
And "Alice" adds following users to the project space
| user | role | kind |
| Brian | editor | user |
| user | role | kind |
| Brian | Can edit | user |
And "Alice" creates a public link for the resource "myfolder" using the sidebar panel
When "Alice" edits the public link named "Link" of resource "myfolder" changing role to "internal"
When "Alice" edits the public link named "Link" of resource "myfolder" changing role to "Invited people"
And "Brian" opens the public link "Link"
And "Brian" logs in from the internal link
And "Brian" uploads the following resource in internal link named "Link"
| resource |
| simple.pdf |
When "Alice" changes the roles of the following users in the project space
| user | role |
| Brian | viewer |
| user | role |
| Brian | Can view |
And "Alice" logs out
And "Brian" reloads the spaces page
Then "Brian" should see file "plan.txt" but should not be able to edit
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Feature: spaces member expiry
And "Alice" navigates to the projects space page
And "Alice" navigates to the project space "team.1"
And "Alice" adds following users to the project space
| user | role | kind |
| Brian | editor | user |
| user | role | kind |
| Brian | Can edit | user |
And "Alice" sets the expiration date of the member "Brian" of the project space to "+5 days"
When "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" navigates to the projects space page
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ Feature: spaces participant management
And "Alice" navigates to the projects space page
And "Alice" navigates to the project space "team.1"
And "Alice" adds following users to the project space
| user | role | kind |
| Brian | editor | user |
| Carol | viewer | user |
| sales | viewer | group |
| security | editor | group |
| user | role | kind |
| Brian | Can edit | user |
| Carol | Can view | user |
| sales | Can view | group |
| security | Can edit | group |
When "Brian" logs in
And "Brian" navigates to the projects space page
And "Brian" navigates to the project space "team.1"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Feature: spaces participant management
# page reload is necessary to fetch all the changes made by user Brian
When "Alice" reloads the spaces page
And "Alice" creates a public link for the resource "parent" using the sidebar panel
And "Alice" edits the public link named "Link" of resource "parent" changing role to "editor"
And "Alice" edits the public link named "Link" of resource "parent" changing role to "Can edit"
And "Anonymous" opens the public link "Link"
And "Anonymous" uploads the following resources in public link page
| resource |
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/features/smoke/spaces/project.ocis.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ Feature: spaces.personal

And "Alice" creates a public link for the resource "folderPublic" using the sidebar panel
And "Alice" renames the most recently created public link of resource "folderPublic" to "team.1"
And "Alice" edits the public link named "team.1" of resource "folderPublic" changing role to "uploader"
And "Alice" edits the public link named "team.1" of resource "folderPublic" changing role to "Secret File Drop"
And "Alice" sets the expiration date of the public link named "team.1" of resource "folderPublic" to "+5 days"
And "Alice" sets the password of the public link named "team.1" of resource "folderPublic" to "12345"

# borrowed from share.feature
When "Alice" shares the following resource using the sidebar panel
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | editor | folder |
| resource | recipient | type | role | resourceType |
| folder_to_shared | Brian | user | Can edit | folder |

# team.2
And "Alice" navigates to the projects space page
Expand All @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Feature: spaces.personal

And "Alice" creates a public link for the resource "folderPublic" using the sidebar panel
And "Alice" renames the most recently created public link of resource "folderPublic" to "team.2"
And "Alice" edits the public link named "team.2" of resource "folderPublic" changing role to "uploader"
And "Alice" edits the public link named "team.2" of resource "folderPublic" changing role to "Secret File Drop"
And "Alice" sets the expiration date of the public link named "team.2" of resource "folderPublic" to "+5 days"
And "Alice" sets the password of the public link named "team.2" of resource "folderPublic" to "54321"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ Feature: spaces.personal
| resource | to | option |
| textfile.txt | parent | replace |
And "Alice" adds following users to the project space
| user | role | kind |
| Carol | viewer | user |
| Brian | editor | user |
| user | role | kind |
| Carol | Can view | user |
| Brian | Can edit | user |
And "Alice" logs out

When "Carol" logs in
Expand Down

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