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JammingBen committed Mar 8, 2023
1 parent e67a81e commit 9f0b226
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Showing 8 changed files with 231 additions and 23 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/web-pkg/src/components/ItemFilter.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
class="item-filter-list-item oc-flex oc-flex-left oc-flex-middle oc-width-1-1 oc-p-xs"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ exports[`ItemFilter renders all items 1`] = `
<ul class="oc-list oc-my-rm oc-mx-rm item-filter-list">
<li class="oc-my-xs">
<button class="oc-button oc-rounded oc-button-m oc-button-justify-content-left oc-button-gap-m oc-button-passive oc-button-passive-raw item-filter-list-item oc-flex oc-flex-left oc-flex-middle oc-width-1-1 oc-p-xs" type="button">
<button class="oc-button oc-rounded oc-button-m oc-button-justify-content-left oc-button-gap-m oc-button-passive oc-button-passive-raw item-filter-list-item oc-flex oc-flex-left oc-flex-middle oc-width-1-1 oc-p-xs" data-test-value="Albert Einstein" type="button">
<!-- @slot Content of the button -->
<oc-checkbox-stub class="item-filter-checkbox" disabled="false" hidelabel="true" id="oc-checkbox-3" label="Toggle selection" modelvalue="false" outline="false" size="large"></oc-checkbox-stub>
Expand All @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ exports[`ItemFilter renders all items 1`] = `
<li class="oc-my-xs">
<button class="oc-button oc-rounded oc-button-m oc-button-justify-content-left oc-button-gap-m oc-button-passive oc-button-passive-raw item-filter-list-item oc-flex oc-flex-left oc-flex-middle oc-width-1-1 oc-p-xs" type="button">
<button class="oc-button oc-rounded oc-button-m oc-button-justify-content-left oc-button-gap-m oc-button-passive oc-button-passive-raw item-filter-list-item oc-flex oc-flex-left oc-flex-middle oc-width-1-1 oc-p-xs" data-test-value="Marie Curie" type="button">
<!-- @slot Content of the button -->
<oc-checkbox-stub class="item-filter-checkbox" disabled="false" hidelabel="true" id="oc-checkbox-4" label="Toggle selection" modelvalue="false" outline="false" size="large"></oc-checkbox-stub>
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Feature: spaces management
And "Admin" navigates to the users management page
When "Admin" changes the quota of the user "Alice" to "500"
Then "Alice" should have quota "500"
When "Admin" changes the quota using a batch action to "20" for users:
When "Admin" changes the quota using a batch action to "20" for users:
| id |
| Alice |
| Brian |
Expand All @@ -41,3 +41,43 @@ Feature: spaces management
And "Alice" logs out
And "Admin" logs out

Scenario: user group assignments can be handled via batch actions
Given "Admin" creates following users
| id |
| Alice |
| Brian |
| Carol |
And "Admin" creates following groups
| id |
| sales |
| finance |
When "Admin" logs in
And "Admin" opens the "admin-settings" app
And "Admin" navigates to the users management page
And "Admin" adds the following users to the groups "sales department,finance department" using the batch actions
| user |
| Alice |
| Brian |
| Carol |
When "Admin" sets the following filter
| filter | values |
| groups | sales department,finance department |
Then "Admin" should see the following users
| user |
| Alice |
| Brian |
| Carol |
And "Admin" removes the following users from the groups "sales department,finance department" using the batch actions
| user |
| Alice |
| Brian |
When "Admin" reloads the page
Then "Admin" should see the following users
| user |
| Carol |
Then "Admin" should not see the following users
| user |
| Alice |
| Brian |
And "Admin" logs out
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/steps/ui/adminSettings.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,3 +173,72 @@ When(
await usersObject.changeQuotaUsingBatchAction({ value })

/^"([^"]*)" (should see|should not see) the following user(s)$/,
async function (
this: World,
stepUser: string,
action: string,
_: string,
stepTable: DataTable
): Promise<void> {
const { page } = this.actorsEnvironment.getActor({ key: stepUser })
const usersObject = new objects.applicationAdminSettings.Users({ page })
const users = await usersObject.getDisplayedUsers()
for (const { user } of stepTable.hashes()) {
switch (action) {
case 'should see':
expect(users).toContain(usersObject.getUUID({ key: user }))
case 'should not see':
expect(users).not.toContain(usersObject.getUUID({ key: user }))
throw new Error(`${action} not implemented`)

'{string} sets the following filter(s)',
async function (this: World, stepUser: string, stepTable: DataTable): Promise<void> {
const { page } = this.actorsEnvironment.getActor({ key: stepUser })
const usersObject = new objects.applicationAdminSettings.Users({ page })

for (const { filter, values } of stepTable.hashes()) {
await usersObject.filter({ filter, values: values.split(',') })

/^"([^"]*)" (adds|removes) the following users (to|from) the groups "([^"]*)" using the batch actions$/,
async function (
this: World,
stepUser: string,
action: string,
_: string,
groups: string,
stepTable: DataTable
): Promise<void> {
const { page } = this.actorsEnvironment.getActor({ key: stepUser })
const usersObject = new objects.applicationAdminSettings.Users({ page })

for (const { user } of stepTable.hashes()) {
await{ key: user })

switch (action) {
case 'adds':
await usersObject.addToGroups({ groups: groups.split(',') })
case 'removes':
await usersObject.removeFromGroups({ groups: groups.split(',') })
throw new Error(`${action} not implemented`)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/e2e/cucumber/steps/ui/application.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ When(

When('{string} reloads the page', async function (this: World, stepUser: string): Promise<void> {
const { page } = this.actorsEnvironment.getActor({ key: stepUser })
const applicationObject = new objects.runtime.Application({ page })
await applicationObject.reloadPage()

/^"([^"]*)" should have quota "([^"]*)"$/,
async function (this: World, stepUser: string, quota: string): Promise<void> {
Expand Down
96 changes: 80 additions & 16 deletions tests/e2e/support/objects/app-admin-settings/users/actions.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,20 @@ import util from 'util'
const userIdSelector = `[data-item-id="%s"] .users-table-btn-action-dropdown`
const editActionBtn = `.oc-users-actions-edit-trigger`
const loginDropDown = '.vs__dropdown-menu'
const loginValueDropDownOption = '.vs__dropdown-option'
const dropdownOption = '.vs__dropdown-option'
const loginInput = '#login-input'
const actionConfirmButton = '.compare-save-dialog-confirm-btn'
const compareDialogConfirm = '.compare-save-dialog-confirm-btn'
const addToGroupsBatchAction = '.oc-users-actions-add-to-groups-trigger'
const removeFromGroupsBatchAction = '.oc-users-actions-remove-from-groups-trigger'
const groupsModalInput = '.oc-modal .vs__search'
const actionConfirmButton = '.oc-modal-body-actions-confirm'
const userTrSelector = 'tr'
const userFilter = '.item-filter-%s'
const userFilterOption = '//ul[contains(@class, "item-filter-list")]//button[@data-test-value="%s"]'
const usersTable = '.users-table'
const quotaInput = '#quota-select-form .vs__search'
const quotaValueDropDown = `.vs__dropdown-option :text-is("%s")`
const userCheckboxSelector = `//*[@data-test-user-name="%s"]//ancestor::tr//input`
const userCheckboxSelector = `[data-item-id="%s"]:not(.oc-table-highlighted) input[type=checkbox]`
const editQuotaBtn = '.oc-files-actions-edit-quota-trigger'
const quotaInputBatchAction = '#quota-select-batch-action-form .vs__search'
const confirmChangeQuotaSeveralSpacesBtn = '.oc-modal-body-actions-confirm'
Expand All @@ -29,7 +37,7 @@ export const changeAccountEnabled = async (args: {
await page.waitForSelector(loginDropDown)

await page
.getByText(value === false ? 'Forbidden' : 'Allowed')

Expand All @@ -40,7 +48,7 @@ export const changeAccountEnabled = async (args: {
resp.status() === 200 &&
resp.request().method() === 'PATCH'
await page.locator(actionConfirmButton).click()
await page.locator(compareDialogConfirm).click()

Expand All @@ -62,20 +70,10 @@ export const changeQuota = async (args: {
resp.status() === 200 &&
resp.request().method() === 'PATCH'
await page.locator(actionConfirmButton).click()
await page.locator(compareDialogConfirm).click()

export const selectUser = async (args: { page: Page; displayName: string }): Promise<void> => {
const { page, displayName } = args
const checkbox = await page.locator(util.format(userCheckboxSelector, displayName))
const checkBoxAlreadySelected = await checkbox.isChecked()
if (checkBoxAlreadySelected) {

export const changeQuotaUsingBatchAction = async (args: {
page: Page
value: string
Expand All @@ -90,3 +88,69 @@ export const changeQuotaUsingBatchAction = async (args: {

export const getDisplayedUsers = async (args: { page: Page }): Promise<string[]> => {
const { page } = args
const users = []
await page.waitForSelector(usersTable)
const result = page.locator(userTrSelector)

const count = await result.count()
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
users.push(await result.nth(i).getAttribute('data-item-id'))

return users

export const selectUser = async (args: { page: Page; uuid: string }): Promise<void> => {
const { page, uuid } = args
const checkbox = await page.locator(util.format(userCheckboxSelector, uuid))
const checkBoxAlreadySelected = !(await checkbox.isVisible())
if (checkBoxAlreadySelected) {

export const addSelectedUsersToGroups = async (args: {
page: Page
groups: string[]
}): Promise<void> => {
const { page, groups } = args
await page.locator(addToGroupsBatchAction).click()
for (const group of groups) {
await page.locator(groupsModalInput).click()
await page.locator(dropdownOption).getByText(group).click()
await page.locator(actionConfirmButton).click()

export const removeSelectedUsersFromGroups = async (args: {
page: Page
groups: string[]
}): Promise<void> => {
const { page, groups } = args
await page.locator(removeFromGroupsBatchAction).click()
for (const group of groups) {
await page.locator(groupsModalInput).click()
await page.locator(dropdownOption).getByText(group).click()
await page.locator(actionConfirmButton).click()

export const filterUsers = async (args: {
page: Page
filter: string
values: string[]
}): Promise<void> => {
const { page, filter, values } = args
await page.locator(util.format(userFilter, filter)).click()
for (const value of values) {
await page.locator(util.format(userFilterOption, value)).click()
await page.waitForResponse(
(resp) =>
resp.url().includes('/users') && resp.status() === 200 && resp.request().method() === 'GET'
32 changes: 28 additions & 4 deletions tests/e2e/support/objects/app-admin-settings/users/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
import { Page } from 'playwright'
import { UsersEnvironment } from '../../../environment'
import {
} from './actions'

export class Users {
Expand All @@ -14,6 +18,10 @@ export class Users {
this.#usersEnvironment = new UsersEnvironment()
this.#page = page
getUUID({ key }: { key: string }) {
const { uuid } = this.#usersEnvironment.getUser({ key })
return uuid
async allowLogin({ key }: { key: string }): Promise<void> {
const { uuid } = this.#usersEnvironment.getUser({ key })
await changeAccountEnabled({ uuid, value: true, page: this.#page })
Expand All @@ -27,10 +35,26 @@ export class Users {
await changeQuota({ uuid, value, page: this.#page })
async selectUser({ key }: { key: string }): Promise<void> {
const { displayName } = this.#usersEnvironment.getUser({ key })
await selectUser({ displayName, page: this.#page })
const { uuid } = this.#usersEnvironment.getUser({ key })
await selectUser({ uuid, page: this.#page })
async changeQuotaUsingBatchAction({ value }: { value: string }): Promise<void> {
await changeQuotaUsingBatchAction({ value, page: this.#page })
getDisplayedUsers(): Promise<string[]> {
return getDisplayedUsers({ page: this.#page })
async select({ key }: { key: string }): Promise<void> {
const { uuid } = this.#usersEnvironment.getUser({ key })
await selectUser({ uuid, page: this.#page })
async addToGroups({ groups }: { groups: string[] }): Promise<void> {
await addSelectedUsersToGroups({ page: this.#page, groups })
async removeFromGroups({ groups }: { groups: string[] }): Promise<void> {
await removeSelectedUsersFromGroups({ page: this.#page, groups })
async filter({ filter, values }: { filter: string; values: string[] }): Promise<void> {
await filterUsers({ page: this.#page, filter, values })
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tests/e2e/support/objects/runtime/application.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ export class Application {
this.#page = page

async reloadPage(): Promise<void> {
await this.#page.reload()

async open({ name }: { name: string }): Promise<void> {
await this.#page.locator(appSwitcherButton).click()
await this.#page.locator(util.format(appSelector, name, name)).click()
Expand Down

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