Common functions and classes to use throughout the LWA project. Check the docs before spinning your own code.
Point browser to: file:///<path to repo>/Doc/build/html/index.html
All functions and classes should have a test function in the test directory.
WORKFLOW The development branch will contain release candidate versions of the form vM.m.b-rc#. New features and bug fixes branch off the appropriate version. When new features are ready, the version will be updated and other devs will need to pull in those changes before their work is accepted back on the development branch. master will container stable releases and will be what the running system uses. master will always be a fast-forward on development and development will try to be a fast-forward on user dev branches.
If this doesn't run in your enviroment, check the pip_packages file as it contains what is needed.
Running tests:
cd <TOT of repo>
pip install .
cd test
coverage run -m pytest
coverage html
Point browser to: file:///<path to repo>/test/htmlcov/index.html
commit htmlcov directory.