All things driving swarm with global issue tracker and goals (and rather comprehensive wiki)
- Research swarm-robotic behaviour with robots capable of mapping and planning
- Swarm Applications
- Foraging
- Collective Search
- Dispersion/Formation
- Robotic Topics
- World Representation in the Context of Swarm Robotics
- Planning agents within swarms (Cooperative planning, emergent effects in plans and plan execution)
- Localisation in Robotic Swarms
- Swarm Topics
- Integration of long term behaviour and short term planning
- Integration of SI algorithms in robotics applications
- Swarms with diversity in behaviour
Basic Architecture (wip)
- Multi-Master ROS
- ROS-Node controlling the behaviour (BehaviourAPI)
- Nav-Stack for robot navigation
- Basic behaviour with random movement and collision avoidance
- Central point of control for the swarm (starting and stopping the robots, task distribution)
- Optional Goal- Integrate Localisation
Simulation (currently working with Gazebo, slow for many robots)
- Multiple robots in the same environment
- Possibly not with multi-master ros but different prefixes per robot conrtoller
- Same codebase as the real robots
Unified World Representation
- Have one world reresentation that works for the swarm
- Semantic Maps, Local Dynamic Maps, ...
- Needs to include - actions are based on representation not on physical sensors, distinguishes between static environment, dynamic environment and other robots/actors
- Stretch-Goal - representation contains virtual objects (i.e. pheromones, semantic information)
- Gossiping protocols for spacial information
Collective Path Planning
- Solve movement conflicts by collectively agreeing on a trajectory for each robot in a neighbourhood
- Different Strategies for solving conflicts based on neighbourhood size and interconnectedness of the swarm
- See how different planners can deal with one scenario
- Multilateration
- Camera Tracking
- Sensor fusion
- AMCL with MAP (localisation part of SLAM)
Full 30 robot swarm
- Buy and assemble another 27 robots
- currently 3 (plus 10)
Implement Collective Behaviour
- Formation Behaviours
- Foraging (Indian Cross)
- Collective Search (e.g. Minimize Distance to Cable Car)
- gitman should now be used to check out submodules (cf. wiki)