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AutoPilot CE -- A MarkLogic Monitoring Plugin

Universal monitoring plugin that supports multiple statistics backends. Heavily inspired by MarkLogic's own New Relic plugin.


  • Built on the Cement Framework for command line tools.
  • Easy to install as pip or rpm.
  • Configurable selection of metrics to retrieve.
  • Retrieve summary metrics on local cluster, hosts, servers & forests.
  • Retrieve detail metrics on databases, forests, hosts, groups & servers.
  • Default dashboard on New Relic, focusing on Speed, IO, Locks and Storage.



From the root diretory of this repository, download necessary dependencies for building and running

> pip install -r requirements.txt

A pure python package can be built by running

> python clean bdist_wheel

An rpm package can be built by running

> python clean bdist_rpm


Tests are designed and run with nose2 but should be unittest and nose compliant. Please run tests from tests directory.


Installation is supported from a locally accessible version of a build (support from PyPI is coming soon). You can download the latest release here.

From a python package:

> pip install mlmonitor-0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl

From an rpm file:

> yum localinstall -y mlmonitor-0.3-0.1.noarch.rpm


config/mlmonitor.conf is required by the module to setup sensible defaults. You are required to have a local copy to include your own configuration values. Do not edit config/mlmonitor.conf directly.

  1. Copy config/marklogic.conf to a local copy and place it in ~/.mlmonitor/application.conf. Alternatively, the local copy of the configuration file can be specified using the -c parameter when executing its command.

  2. Edit application.conf. Please see the Usage section for more details


It is recommended to initiate plugin as a background task, run via a scheduler (ex. cron job) or using any other approach appropriate for your environment.

Running with -h flag will emit usage instructions for running plugin.

> mlmonitor -h

usage: mlmonitor [-h] [--debug] [--quiet] [--daemon] [-c CONFIG]
                 {newrelic,statsd} ...

Universal monitoring plugin for MarkLogic

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --debug            toggle debug output
  --quiet            suppress all output
  --daemon           daemonize the process
  -c CONFIG          Location of config file to parse

    newrelic         Starts up process to send status update from MarkLogic to
                     New Relic
    statsd           Starts up process to send status update from MarkLogic to


> mlmonitor -c /tmp/application.conf newrelic

The configuration file drives all AutoPilotCE features and is split into several sections.

The 'marklogic' section contains connection details to MarkLogic server and Management REST API.


# Scheme to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API (http|https).
scheme = http

# Host to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API (FQDN hostname).
host = <HOSTNAME>

# Port to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API.  Usually 8002
port = 8002

# Authentication to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API (BASIC|DIGEST).
auth= DIGEST

# Username to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API.
user = <USERNAME>

# Password to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API.
pass = <PASSWORD>

The 'newrelic' section specifies the New Relic license key as well the name of the component (i.e. name of the cluster on New Relic). This section is only required when writing stats to New Relic via the newrelic subcommand.


# Your NewRelic license key.
key = <New Relic Key>

# NewRelic plugin instance name.
component_name = <NEW RELIC COMPONENT NAME>

The 'statsd' section specifies the host and port for the StatsD listener. This section is only required when writing stats to a StatsD listener via the statsd subcommand.


host = <HOST OF STATSD daemon>
port = 8125

The 'plugin' section defines sample period for updating your statistics backend, as well as the logging level for emitting messages about plugin operation.

There are a set of configurations for defining which statuses are captured by NewRelic, summarised below.

  • summary_status (True|False): retrieve local cluster summary status.
  • databases (list of databases): retrieve database detailed status.
  • hosts_summary_status (True|False): retrieve summary of all hosts status.
  • hosts (list of hosts): retrieve host detailed status.
  • forests_summary_status (True|False): retrieve summary of all forests status.
  • forests (list of forests): retrieve forest detailed status.
  • groups (list of groups): retrieve group detailed status.
  • servers_summary_status (True|False): retrieve summary of all servers status.
  • servers (list of servers): retrieve server detailed status.



# Local cluster summary.
summary_status= True

# Database(s) detail status, space delimited
databases=<DATABASE NAMES>

# Hosts summary, comma delimited
hosts_summary_status= False

# Host(s) detail status, space delimited
hosts=<HOST NAMES>

# Forests summary.
forests_summary_status= False

# Forest(s) detail status, space delimited
forests=<FOREST NAMES>

# Group(s) detail status, space delimited

# Servers summary.
servers_summary_status= False

# Server(s) detail status (must supply group name ex. ServerName:GroupName), space delimited

The following configurations can also be used to change the sampling rate, add HTTP proxy support if required or change the debugging level of the output.


# Proxy (ex.
http_proxy =

# Sample period in seconds.
duration = 60

# Set logging level (INFO|DEBUG|ERROR).
log_level = DEBUG

Copyright & License

AutoPilotCE Copyright 2017 OverStory LLP and is is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), a copy of the license is included in this repository.

newrelic-marklogic-plugin Copyright 2017 MarkLogic Corporation

newrelic-marklogic-plugin is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), a copy of the license is included in its repository.


Thank you to MarkLogic Corporation and Jim Fuller for the initial work on the New Relic plugin that inspired this project and to SpringerNature for providing time to build out the StatsD implementation.


A NewRelic plugin for monitoring MarkLogic







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  • Python 100.0%