- README-JA(日本語)
- What is Sisimai
- Setting Up Sisimai
- Usage
- Sisimai Specification
- Contributing
- Other Information
- Author
- Copyright
- License
Sisimai is a Ruby library for analyzing RFC5322 bounce emails and generating structured data from parsed results. The Ruby version of Sisimai is ported from the Perl version of Sisimai at github.com/sisimai/p5-Sisimai.
- Convert Bounce Mails to Structured Data
- Supported formats are Ruby(Hash, Array) and JSON(String)
- Easy to Install, Use.
- gem install
- git clone & make
- High Precision of Analysis
- 2 times higher than bounceHammer
- Support 23 known MTAs and 5 unknown MTAs
- Support 22 major MSPs(Mail Service Providers)
- Support 2 major Cloud Email Delivery Services(JSON format)
- Support Feedback Loop Message(ARF)
- Can detect 29 error reasons
The following screen shows a demonstration of Sisimai at the command line using
Ruby(rb-Sisimai) and Perl(p5-Sisimai) version of Sisimai.
More details about system requirements are available at Sisimai | Getting Started page.
- Ruby 2.1.0 or later
- Also works on JRuby or later
$ sudo gem install sisimai
Fetching: sisimai-4.23.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sisimai-4.23.0
Parsing documentation for sisimai-4.23.0
Installing ri documentation for sisimai-4.23.0
Done installing documentation for sisimai after 6 seconds
1 gem installed
$ cd /usr/local/src
$ git clone https://github.com/sisimai/rb-Sisimai.git
$ cd ./rb-Sisimai
$ sudo make depend install-from-local
gem install bundle rake rspec coveralls
4 gems installed
bundle exec rake install
sisimai 4.23.0 built to pkg/sisimai-4.23.0.gem.
sisimai (4.23.0) installed.
method provides feature for getting parsed data from bounced email
messages like following.
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'sisimai'
v = Sisimai.make('/path/to/mbox') # or path to Maildir/
# Beginning with v4.23.0, both make() and dump() method of Sisimai class can
# read bounce messages from variable instead of a path to mailbox
f = File.open('/path/to/mbox', 'r'); # or path to Maildir/
v = Sisimai.make(f.read)
# If you want to get bounce records which reason is "delivered", set "delivered"
# option to make() method like the following:
v = Sisimai.make('/path/to/mbox', delivered: true)
if v.is_a? Array
v.each do |e|
puts e.class # Sisimai::Data
puts e.recipient.class # Sisimai::Address
puts e.timestamp.class # Sisimai::Time
puts e.addresser.address # [email protected] # From
puts e.recipient.address # [email protected] # To
puts e.recipient.host # example.jp
puts e.deliverystatus # 5.1.1
puts e.replycode # 550
puts e.reason # userunknown
h = e.damn # Convert to HASH
j = e.dump('json') # Convert to JSON string
puts e.dump('json') # JSON formatted bounce data
method provides feature for getting parsed data as JSON string
from bounced email messages like following.
# Get JSON string from parsed mailbox or Maildir/
puts Sisimai.dump('/path/to/mbox') # or path to Maildir/
# dump() method also accepts "delivered" option like the following code:
puts Sisimai.dump('/path/to/mbox', delivered: true)
The way to read a bounce object retrived from Cloud Email Services as JSON using their API is the following code. This feature is available at Sisimai 4.20.0 or later.
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
require 'sisimai'
j = JSON.load('{"notificationType"=>"Bounce", "bounce"=>{"...') # JSON String
v = Sisimai.make(j, input: 'json')
if v.is_a? Array
v.each do |e|
As of present, Only Amazon SES and SendGrid are supported.
Beginning with Sisimai 4.19.0, make()
and dump()
methods of Sisimai accept
a Lambda (Proc object) in hook
argument for setting a callback method and
getting the results generated by the method via Sisimai::Data.catch
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'sisimai'
callbackto = lambda do |v|
r = { 'x-mailer' => '', 'queue-id' => '' }
if cv = v['message'].match(/^X-Postfix-Queue-ID:\s*(.+)$/)
r['queue-id'] = cv[1]
r['x-mailer'] = v['headers']['x-mailer'] || ''
return r
list = ['X-Mailer']
data = Sisimai.make('/path/to/mbox', hook: callbackto, field: list)
json = Sisimai.dump('/path/to/mbox', hook: callbackto, field: list)
puts data[0].catch['x-mailer'] # Apple Mail (2.1283)
More information about the callback feature is available at Sisimai | How To Parse - Callback Page.
% ruby -rsisimai -e 'puts Sisimai.dump($*.shift)' /path/to/mbox
[{"action": "failed", "subject": "Nyaan", "catch": null, "token": "08acf78323edc7923a783c04749dd547ab45c433", "alias": "", "messageid": "[email protected]", "listid": "", "smtpcommand": "MAIL", "smtpagent": "Email::Sendmail", "lhost": "localhost", "timezoneoffset": "+0900", "feedbacktype": "", "senderdomain": "neko.example.jp", "diagnostictype": "SMTP", "softbounce": 1, "deliverystatus": "5.0.0", "addresser": "[email protected]", "diagnosticcode": "550 Unauthenticated senders not allowed", "timestamp": 1528523769, "destination": "example.com", "recipient": "[email protected]", "reason": "securityerror", "replycode": "550", "rhost": "neko.example.jp"}]
The following table show the differences between Ruby version of Sisimai and Perl version of Sisimai. Information about differences between Sisimai and bounceHammer are available at Sisimai | Differences page.
Features | Ruby version | Perl version |
System requirements | Ruby 2.1 - 2.5 | Perl 5.10 - |
JRuby | ||
Analytical precision ratio(2000 emails)[1] | 1.00 | 1.00 |
The speed of parsing email(1000 emails) | 3.75s[2] | 1.70s |
How to install | gem install | cpanm, cpm |
Dependencies (Except core modules) | 1 module | 2 modules |
LOC:Source lines of code | 11700 lines | 8500 lines |
The number of tests(spec/,t/,xt/) directory | 218000 tests | 236000 tests |
License | BSD 2-Clause | BSD 2-Clause |
Support Contract provided by Developer | Coming soon | Available |
- Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz x 2 cores | 5000 bogomips | 1GB RAM | Ruby 2.3.4
Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs.
Bounce mails which could not be parsed by Sisimai are saved in the repository set-of-emails/to-be-debugged-because/sisimai-cannot-parse-yet. If you have found any bounce email cannot be parsed using Sisimai, please add the email into the directory and send Pull-Request to this repository.
- @libsisimai | Sisimai on Twitter (@libsisimai)
- libSISIMAI.ORG | Sisimai | The successor to bounceHammer, Library to parse bounce mails
- Sisimai Blog | blog.libsisimai.org
- Facebook Page | facebook.com/libsisimai
- GitHub | github.com/sisimai/rb-Sisimai
- RubyGems.org | rubygems.org/gems/sisimai
- Perl verson | Perl version of Sisimai
- Fixtures | set-of-emails - Sample emails for "make test"
- README-JA.md - README.md in Japanese(日本語)
- RFC3463 - Enhanced Mail System Status Codes
- RFC3464 - An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications
- RFC3834 - Recommendations for Automatic Responses to Electronic Mail
- RFC5321 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- RFC5322 - Internet Message Format
Copyright (C) 2015-2018 azumakuniyuki, All Rights Reserved.
This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.