Install protoc on your machine:
apt install protoc # OR pacman -S protobuf
The python projects run on python 3.7, make sure you have it installed.
Install pipenv:
sudo pip3 install pipenv
See pipenv documentation for how to work with it.
pipenv install # Equivalent to `pip install -r requirements.txt`
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
make protoc
pipenv shell # Equivalent to `source ./bin/activate`
make run-simulation
export STUB_LIDAR=true # If you don't have a LIDAR connected.
export STUB_SOCKET_CAN=true # If you don't have ISO-TP server online.
make run
Go to
to see what the robot "sees".
Replace localhost with your IP if you are not running it locally.
make jenkins
You are done!