- Convention Commit Changelog Generator (obviously for Git)
last version
Maven (all versions)
Download the executable jar from maven central (cocochagen-cli-1.0.4.jar). Can be renamed whatever.
<dependency> <groupId>org.icroco.cocochagen</groupId> <artifactId>cocochagen-cli</artifactId> <version>1.1.3</version> </dependency>
- Use maven help to list all parameters:
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.icroco.cocochagen -DartifactId=cocochagen-maven-plugin -Ddetail
- to ask for a given version:
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.icroco.cocochagen -DartifactId=cocochagen-maven-plugin -Dversion=1.0.4 -Ddetail
- Have a look to this example for all configuration properties.
./cococha -h
java -jar cococha.jar -h
java -jar cococha.jar -h
Usage: cococha [-hrvV] [--[no-]commit-link] [--[no-]issue-link] [-c=<releaseCount>] [-F=<template>] [-g=<gitCommitUrl>] [-i=<issueUrl>]
[--issue-id-pattern=<issueIdRegex>] [-n=<releaseName>] [-o=<outputFile>] [-t=<commitType>[,<commitType>...]]...
[[--output-override] | [--output-append-start]]
Conventional Commit Changelog Generator
-c, --release-count=<releaseCount>
Last N releases to include into this changelog.
Default is: '1'
-F, --template-file=<template>
Template file path
Used to override the default changelog template. We use Mustache engine.
Option undefined means we'll pick up the embedded one
-g, --git-commit-url=<gitCommitUrl>
Remote url prefix to build commit link (github, gitlab ...)
Option undefined means we'll try to read from git remote (origin/master).
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-i, --issue-url=<issueUrl>
Tracker URL (Jira. github ...)
If a card/issue ID is found is will be tail at the end
Option undefined means we will used github.
a regexp to match an issue id
If a card ID is found it will be append at the end of tracker url.
Regex must contains 1 global group and 1 named capturing groups:
A global one used to identify an entirely issue id (ex: Closes: #1234)
Second one is named 'ID', used to extract the id that will be appended after issueUrl (ex: 1234)
git: "(#(?<ID>\\d+))",
jira: "(?<ID>JIRA-\\d+)"
Strict conventional commit: "(Closes: )#(?<ID>\\d+)"
Advanced conventional commit: "(((Closes)\s*:)?\s*#(?<ID>\d+)\s*)"
Mix git and coco style: "(((Closes)\s*:)?\s*#?(?<ID>\d+)\s*)"
Regex must be java compatible: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html
Default is git style optionally with prefix 'Closes: ' '(((Closes)\s*:)?\s*#(?<ID>\d+)\s*)'
-n, --release-name=<releaseName>
Provide the name of a release from which we will start to analyze changes.
By default is automatically computed from last valid tag if you follow semantic versioning.
Option undefined means automatic release name
--[no-]commit-link Add git commit URL for change log
Default is: 'true'
--[no-]issue-link Append an issue link if an issue ID is found into short or full log message
Default is: 'true'
-o, --output=<outputFile>
output changelog filename
Append the output on top of an existing file
Default is: 'false'
--output-override Override if output already exists
Default is: 'false'
-r, --remove-duplicate Remove duplicate commits based on description.
Commit IDs will be merged on same line.
Default is: 'true'.
-t, --commit-type=<commitType>[,<commitType>...]
Filter only those commits type
Default is: 'fix,feat,perf'
-v, --verbose print more information on console
Default is: 'false'
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
- Simple Command line interface.
- Option to generate release note for last N releases.
- Option to filter convention commit.
- Option to provide your own custom template (mustache based. More info at samskivert ).
- Option to add your own Issuer URL (default is url based on git remote).
- Option to provide your own regex to match Issue ID.
- Option to add/hide: "commit ID", "issues ID", "Contributor".
- Maven Plugin.
- Merge similar commits description and support many CommitID links per line.
- Generate changelog at beginning of an existing one.
- Do not override existing changelog. add option to force overriding.
- Publish to maven central.
- Option to group changes by major/minor.
- Option to add/hide: "Contributor".
- Option to customize Commit Type label (Features, ...).
- Export report into json format.
- Add github actions.
- Gradle Plugin.
- Native CLI with GraalVM.
- Maven plugin add skip option.
- Runtime working dir: be careful, right now you won't have same results if your run with java -jar ... ot ./cocochgen.jar
- with java -jar working dir is the current dir where you launch the command
- running like an executable ./cococha.jar, the working dir will be where the jar is located.
example: './foo/bar/cocochagen.jar' is executing into the directory './foo/bar'
- If your changelog looks not as expected (missing items, ...), try to run with these options:
./cococha.jar -t '*' -c 10 >
- Finally, use -v to get more details on stdout.